Staffing, Reporting Structures, and Credentials

Hyperlinks last updated in July 2023

Wellbeing responsibilities within collegiate recreation are often assigned to the domain of a fitness coordinator or assistant director of fitness & wellness (or similar) position.

Some departments have started incorporating a dedicated wellness coordinator (or similar) position. Additionally, reporting structure alterations have been made at a select number of institutions to align health and wellbeing related departments under one supervisor.

For effective delivery of health and wellbeing programs, it’s important for staff to hold the appropriate and current credentials or certifications.

Reporting Structures

To streamline reporting and increase communication and collaboration there are some institutions that have aligned health and wellbeing related teams under one Assistant or Associate Vice President/Chancellor.

Health and Wellbeing Related Certifications

Collegiate recreation is becoming a more significant component of a university’s integrated approach to enhancing the health and wellbeing of its community members. With this increased role in an up-and-coming practice, collegiate recreation departments must be able to provide safe, quality experiences to its patrons who are more health conscious than ever before.

To effectively deliver this integrative approach, a department and its professionals need to be well-versed in the multiple components of health and wellbeing. One way to meet this need is to ensure that staff members are qualified to develop and implement health and wellbeing related services and programs.

One of today’s growing trends is for staff members to acquire a wellness-related certification and/or become a health coach. Although they are relatively new elements in collegiate recreation, these credentials are growing in popularity as professionals are taking on new and more expansive roles on their respective campuses. It’s important for collegiate recreation departments to identify their priorities and what credentials meet their demands as there are a multitude of concentrations related to these credentials.

Remember, as a benefit of membership NIRSA students and professionals qualify for discounts on several certifications. Check out the NIRSA Discounts & Rewards  for more details.

The following list provides many of the industry’s current certifications.

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