The NIRSA Assembly is a forward-thinking leadership group that focuses on the “hot topics” affecting the profession of collegiate recreation right now and will continue to in the future.

Made up of NIRSA professional and student members, as well as non-NIRSA members, the Assembly is an important mechanism for germinating new ideas and shaping the future of collegiate recreation—on NIRSA member institution campuses and beyond.
Whether they are examining how to articulate the value of Campus Recreation or they are exploring collaborative relationships within higher education and the recreation industry, Assembly members enjoy vetting ideas in highly participatory idea exchanges and desire to be catalysts for action and results.
Below you will find a number of resources and ongoing discussions through which you can learn about the NIRSA Assembly’s recent and upcoming projects and share your thoughts.
How to Get Involved
Each Assembly member is hand selected for their unique perspective, experiences, and passion for the profession. Their efforts will contribute to the important task of participating in and facilitating thought-provoking discussions regarding the future of the profession.
As a member of the Assembly you’ll have a chance to bring topics forward for consideration that you see as relevant to the future of collegiate recreation. You’ll actively be vetting these topics with your peers, researching ways that institutions across our membership have been successful in approaching them, and finding ways to provide your findings to the membership. Some of the ways the Assembly shares their findings include developing a panel or educational session at the NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo and regional conferences, creating a resource guide to be featured on the Assembly webpage, writing NIRSA News articles, and facilitating discussion with members through the NIRSA Connect Community.
If you would like to suggest a topic related to the profession of collegiate recreation for discussion by your colleagues in the Assembly, please email the NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator, Rachel Marcella, or post it in the NIRSA Connect Community and start a discussion with your peers today!
The framework for the Assembly was developed and refined by the Assembly Work Team and Governance Transition Team, and approved by the NIRSA Board of Directors. The Assembly can expand up to a maximum of 30 people if additional individuals would bring specific knowledge regarding special topics or tasks.