Models and Dimensions of Wellbeing

Hyperlinks last updated in July 2023

Adopting a wellbeing model within the collegiate recreation department, or better yet campus-wide, can help focus efforts around health and wellbeing initiatives, as well as help to brand and market a program.

Who owns wellbeing on campus?

No one does. Or, depending on your perspective, everyone does. To obtain a campus culture which promotes and nurtures health and wellbeing, an integrated, collaborative approach campus-wide is necessary. The establishment of a well-represented Wellbeing or Wellness Committee, Working Group, or Collaborative Team with campus partners can assist in the process.

When deciding on which model to use for your campus, conversations with campus partners (e.g., Student Health Center, Health Promotion, Counseling & Psychological Services, etc.) will be an important part of the decision-making process.

The creation of a wellness wheel or tool helps communicate the dimensions or initiatives of the program. The creation of a wellbeing wheel or tool helps communicate the dimensions or initiatives of the program.

NIRSA Health & Wellbeing Model

University wellbeing and wellness models

Non-university models for wellbeing and wellness

Non-university resources for wellbeing and wellness

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Is your campus rec department using a model that uses significantly different domains than the ones shared here?

This guide was developed by the NIRSA Assembly.


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NIRSA Health & Wellbeing Model

Downloads: PDFHigh-Res JPG

NIRSA Health & Wellbeing Model

Downloads: PDFHigh-Res JPG

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