The NIRSA Research & Assessment Committee will begin accepting proposals for the 2020 NIRSA Research Grant cycle on Friday, May 1. Proposed research should align with the NIRSA Research Agenda and the NIRSA 2018–2021 Strategic Plan. Additional consideration may be given to proposals that advance the understanding of the role of recreation on student health and wellbeing.

Proposals may request any funding amount up to the $32,000 amount available for the 2020 funding period. The deadline to submit proposals is Tuesday, June 30. Eligibility information and submission guidelines are available on the NIRSA Research Grant website.

Previous grant recipients include Jessica Kirby, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, for her research project that seeks to elucidate how participation in a peer-based recreation program influences psychological wellbeing and physical activity behaviors in students and Kim Curtin, Ph.D., Fellow at the University of Alberta, for her research project that seeks to evaluate the efficacy of recreation programming that addresses the unique barriers of international students.

Additional 2019 NIRSA Research Grant recipients can be found on the NIRSA website. The results of these projects will be presented at the 2021 NIRSA Annual Conference in Milwaukie, Wisconsin.


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
Jason Vlastaras
Associate Director of Student Success at Iowa State University | NIRSA Profile

Jason Vlastaras is currently the Associate Director of Student Success at Iowa State University. He serves as Chair of the NIRSA Research & Assessment Committee.