NIRSA National Soccer Championships leadership opportunities available
This year, there will be four positions open in the leadership pipeline. Applications are open! They close Friday, January 31.
This year, there will be four positions open in the leadership pipeline. Applications are open! They close Friday, January 31.
The Nominations & Appointments Committee reviewed numerous qualified applications and, with the endorsement of the 2019-2020 NIRSA Board of Directors, presents its slate of candidates for the 2020 NIRSA elections.
NIRSA President Leah Hall Dorothy reminds us to "take time this autumn to reflect on what you are thankful for and consider ways that you can share your time, talent, treasure, and thanks heading into 2020."
Serving on a NIRSA committee or work team is a great way to give back, gain experience, and network with colleagues beyond your campus. Apply to serve by Wednesday, February 5!
Students interested in serving as a regional student leader or the NIRSA Student Leader should submit a full application by the November 7 deadline.
Submit your ideas or volunteer to be a leader for one of the new conversations sessions at the 2020 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo taking place in April in Phoenix, Arizona!
NIRSA will hold elections this winter for President-Elect and At-Large Director on the Board of Directors as well as for a number of Member Network positions.
Visit the NIRSA 2020 presenter webpage to get an idea of the overarching theme of the 2020 educational content. Then submit your presentation proposal for a Career Building Mini-Session by Monday, September 9!
Have a successful program, initiative, or operation on your campus? Share your successes with colleagues in a ten-minute Showcase Session at the 2020 NIRSA Annual Conference in Phoenix! The deadline to submit is September 9.
Looking to get involved with a NIRSA Championship Series flag football tournament? Well, you’re in luck—three applications are now open!