Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission to meet for Summit in November

In the wake of the tragedies and violence in Louisiana, Minnesota, Dallas, and Orlando among others, the NIRSA Board of Directors took the opportunity this summer to reaffirm its commitment to maintaining open dialogue that articulates the values of the Association.

By Kim Rottet|2021-06-25T22:06:59-07:00September 30, 2016|Categories: Leadership|Tags: , , , |

NIRSA furthers its Unified Sports partnership at the Special Olympics North America Meeting

A recent Special Olympics meting brought together sports leaders from across North America. NIRSA was pleased to be among a small number of Special Olympics partners that were also invited.

NIRSA affirms its active commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

We are heartbroken once again. The horrific violence in Louisiana, Minnesota, and Dallas has left us reeling. As was the case with the hateful and tragic attack in Orlando, NIRSA grieves with and offers our condolences to the families and communities affected.

Can campus recreation do more around intentional leadership development?

As campus recreation professionals—whether we work in aquatics or marketing, facilities or club sports—most of us are first and foremost in the business of developing students and increasing their leadership capacities. This is why leadership has been identified as one of the six strategic values of collegiate recreation.

Celebrating ten years of the NIRSA Championship Series!

By Valerie McCutchan

It was 10 years ago on June 27, 2006 that 13 NIRSA members gathered in the NIRSA Headquarters conference room for the summit that would result in the creation of the NIRSA Championship Series’ guiding principles. Those principles still serve as the framework of the Series.

Member Spotlight: Virginia Tech is at the forefront of integrated wellness, an emerging trend in collegiate recreation

Wellness centers are emerging on college campuses both as a new concept and as a re-imagining of traditional recreation offerings. They encompass preventative as well as reactive services including student health, counseling centers, and programming designed to appeal to historically-underserved populations. It’s a trend that extends beyond facility usage and marks a positive, health-conscious change […]

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