Register for the 2023 NIRSA Intramural & Club Sports Institute
The 2023 NIRSA Intramural & Club Sports Institute will take place July 11–13 at the University of Vermont. Register for it today!
The 2023 NIRSA Intramural & Club Sports Institute will take place July 11–13 at the University of Vermont. Register for it today!
NIRSA is excited to have emerging stars like Maeve McKinney counted among its membership. The future of campus recreation is made brighter by her rising star!
In the September 2022 issue of Athletic Business Magazine, three NIRSA members talk about how to make intramural and club sports programs more inclusive.
Like many NIRSA professionals, Thomas Giles at Florida International University continues to learn and grow; see why he's a campus recreation all star.
There is broad consensus that schools and their recreation departments want students to return to sports participation in a safe environment. See tips to facilitate a quick and safe return to play.
Last month, NIRSA Executive Director Pam Watts participated in the panel discussion “Elevating Club/Recreation Esports on Campus” as part of the 2020 Esports Business Summit.
Last week, NIRSA Executive Director Pam Watts participated in the panel discussion “Rethinking the ROI of Youth Sports” as part of the Aspen Institute’s 2020 Project Play Summit.
Project Play will host a session at the 2020 Summit that explores where the trends in varsity, club, and intramural sports are headed and how colleges can help advance values of health and inclusion.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 NIRSA Intramural & Sport Club Institute has been rescheduled for June 29–July 1, 2021. The event will still take place at the University of Vermont.
Don’t forget that Wednesday, March 4 is the deadline to submit your presentation proposal for the 2020 NIRSA Intramural & Sport Club Institute!