99% perspiration

By Stephanie McAlpine, 2014–2015 NIRSA Championship Series Committee Chair

Whether you’re currently pursuing a degree or assisting others in their pursuit, it’s about that time in the spring semester that perspiration takes over. Earlier this year, I wrote about some things that inspire me. Thomas Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent […]

By NIRSA Communications|2017-07-16T03:33:52-07:00March 24, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Leadership|Tags: , , |

Growing up in NIRSA

By Stephanie McAlpine, 2014–2015 NIRSA Championship Series Committee Chair

There’s a lot that’s unnerving about your first few NIRSA Annual Conferences and/or Championship Series tournaments. You aren’t always sure what you signed up for and can find yourself stuck in the middle of a three-ring circus, you feel like you have to start figuring out what […]

By NIRSA Communications|2017-07-16T03:33:53-07:00February 25, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Leadership|Tags: , , , |

Start 2015 inspired

By Stephanie McAlpine, 2014-2015 NIRSA Championship Series Committee Chair

What inspires you? What motivates you to achieve your goals and keep pushing forward on a daily basis? On my campus, it’s the first week of classes for the spring semester and the Maverick Activities Center (MAC) is packed with thousands of students, faculty, and staff. Amid the […]

By NIRSA Communications|2017-07-16T03:33:54-07:00January 27, 2015|Categories: Blogs, Leadership|Tags: , , |

Inclusive thinking

By Stephanie McAlpine, 2014-2015 NIRSA Championship Series Committee Chair

Approximately two years ago at the NIRSA Region IV Conference, I attended a presentation by colleagues Andy Lemons—Director of Campus Recreation at St. Edwards University—and current NIRSA President Laurie Braden. The presentation focused on the LGBTQ community’s participation in campus recreation programs and included an activity where […]

By NIRSA Communications|2017-07-16T03:33:57-07:00December 18, 2014|Categories: Blogs, Leadership|Tags: , , |
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