Recreation for Wellbeing
Wellbeing is …
Promising Practices
Promising Practices are multi-modal learning opportunities that highlight collaborative or integrated wellbeing initiatives and campus-wide efforts that support the campus community. These initiatives are driven and realized by the efforts of campus recreation leaders and their campus partners.
Wellbeing Briefing
The Briefings communicate the collective work in the wellbeing field; share research; connect members to existing wellbeing resources, tools, and surveys; and communicate training and development opportunities in the wellbeing space. This resource curates content to minimize information overload and reduce the research rabbit hole.
Repository of Wellbeing Measures
There are numerous scales that measure wellbeing. In an effort to assist NIRSA members in selecting the best instrument for the goals and objectives of their work, NIRSA volunteers have curated a non-exhaustive list of scales that have been utilized in higher education settings, with college student populations, validated through published research, and are minimal to no cost.
NIRSA Wellbeing Survey
The biennial survey, conducted by the Health & Wellbeing Task Force, seeks to benchmark NIRSA members’ understanding of and relation to the work of wellbeing on their campuses. The survey is also used to understand member needs and assist in identifying solutions for the needs. Past survey summaries can be found online.
Inter-association Wellbeing Work
“We believe it is time to transcend reactive, siloed, programmatic approaches to health and establish foundational, proactive, wellbeing initiatives for the campus community.”
Since 2017, NIRSA has been working closely with NASPA, ACHA, and other higher education associations to work together in pursuit of wellbeing in higher education.
In addition to co-authoring “Health and Well-Being in Higher Education: A commitment to student success,” the organizations have hosted several thought leadership gatherings. These gatherings have led to the “Inter-association Definition of Well-Being” and a joint research grant, among other things.
NIRSA’s Health & Wellbeing Task Force
NIRSA’s Health & Wellbeing Task Force is now in its second iteration. These incredible volunteers are instrumental in the resources and thought leadership featured here and throughout NIRSA’s education and resources. The Task Force also oversees three instrumental work groups: Promising Practices Work Group, Wellbeing Briefing Work Group, Wellbeing Research Work Group.
Past NIRSA Resources
Created in 2018, with hyperlinks updated in 2020, by a subgroup of the NIRSA Assembly, curated wellness and wellbeing related links for campus recreation professionals to increase their understanding of wellbeing on campus. Read about how this resource was developed.
Thanks to the NIRSA Foundation for its continued support of NIRSA’s wellbeing work!