NIRSA Volunteer Groups

Advancing campus recreation through focused and committed service

As a diverse organization with many areas of focus, NIRSA is led by a variety of volunteer committees and work teams.

These rotating leadership groups are made up of NIRSA Members committed to exploring a particular issue or area of study relevant to the needs of our organization.

NIRSA Advisory Councils and Task Forces

Early Career Advisory Group

The Early Career Advisory Group is comprised of members who are in the early stages of their professional careers. The group supports the development of educational content, promotes networking opportunities, and creates resources for early career professionals in campus recreation and wellbeing. The group also advises NIRSA regarding ongoing efforts to bring value to this segment of membership and drive both membership growth and active participation in the Association.

JDEI Climate Study Education Action Team

This action team will lead efforts to generate learning content ideas and to source presenters, facilitators, and subject matter experts. The action team will field ideas, proposals, and recommendations from the NIRSA Board, NIRSA Staff, and from other leadership groups, members, and stakeholders. They will also independently generate ideas on their own.

JDEI Climate Study Implementation Team

The JDEI Climate Study Implementation Team is responsible for executing the calls to action in the Climate Study Report as prioritized by the NIRSA Board of Directors. Some of the action steps will be executed by the implementation team while others will be executed by action teams managed by the implementation team.

Health & Wellbeing Briefing Work Group

The Wellbeing Briefing Work Group produces NIRSA's quarterly Wellbeing Briefing. This email briefing is aimed at educating, communicating, sharing, and connecting members to new and existing resources related to wellbeing.

NIRSA Conference Committees

75th Anniversary Celebration Committee

The 75th Anniversary Celebration Task Force is responsible for proposing ideas to the NIRSA Board. They will generate content and execute programs that celebrate NIRSA's 75th anniversary throughout 2025. This group will collaborate heavily with the NIRSA Foundation 75th Anniversary Fundraising Committee as well as the NIRSA History & Legacy Committee.

Career Development Committee

In collaboration with NIRSA Staff, the Career Development Committee oversees and implements the Association’s programs and resources related to career development. They support members in all phases of their career within campus recreation.

NIRSA Campus Rec & Wellness Expo Committee

The Campus Rec & Wellness Expo Committee works with NIRSA Staff to build a dynamic roster of exhibitors and vendors for the annual NIRSA Conference & Campus Rec Expo. The committee assists NIRSA Staff in conducting follow-ups with potential vendors and assists with the onsite coordination of the expo.

NIRSA Conference Program Committee

Members of the Conference Program Committee specifically support the development and execution of the conference’s educational content.

NIRSA Awards Committees

NIRSA Annual Service Award Committee

The NIRSA Annual Service Award Committee works with NIRSA Staff to administer and promote the NIRSA Annual Service Award program. These awards are designed to recognize outstanding contributions to NIRSA and the field of campus recreation through exceptional performance, dedication, creativity, and innovation. This committee reviews applications and uses the standing selection criteria to award NIRSA professional and student members for their exceptional service to NIRSA during the previous year.

NIRSA Campus Rec Innovative Programming Award Committee

The Campus Rec Innovative Programming Award Committee works with NIRSA Staff to administer and promote the Campus Rec Innovative Programming Award program. These awards recognize the contributions of members who are transforming the field of campus recreation through outstanding programming and innovative service that improves student success, builds community, and shares the important message of health and wellbeing in alignment with NIRSA’s priorities. This committee encourages applications for the award, reviews all submissions, and selects the winners.

NIRSA Creative Excellence Awards Committee

The Creative Excellence Award Committee works with NIRSA Staff to administer and promote the Creative Excellence Award program., These awards are designed to recognize the innovation and creativity of NIRSA members and acknowledge their outstanding accomplishments in marketing recreation and wellbeing programs. This committee solicits entries, reviews all submissions, and selects each year’s winners.

NIRSA Honor Award Committee

The Honor Award Committee works with NIRSA Headquarters to administer and promote the Honor Award program. Presented each year at the Annual Conference, this prestigious award recognizes the exceptional contributions to NIRSA and the field of collegiate recreation through exemplary leadership and dedication. This committee reviews nominations and uses the selection criteria to decide on the recipient.

NIRSA Oustanding Facilities Award Committee

The Outstanding Facilities Award Committee works with NIRSA Staff to administer and promote the Outstanding Facilities Awards program. These awards recognize innovation and achievement in the designs of new, renovated, or expanded recreational facilities at NIRSA member institutions. This committee encourages applications for the awards, reviews all submissions, and selects the winners.

William N. Wasson Student Leadership & Academic Awards Committee

The William N. Wasson Student Leadership & Academic Awards Committee works with NIRSA Staff to administer and promote the William N. Wasson Student Leadership & Academic Awards program. These prestigious awards recognize the contributions and achievements of our student leaders. The awards committee encourages professional members to nominate their department’s best student leaders. The committee reviews all nominations and selects each year’s winners.

NIRSA Governance Committees

NIRSA Audit & Finance Committee

Members evaluate and recommend appropriate actions to the NIRSA Board of Directors with a focus on maintaining the financial viability of the Association. 

NIRSA Bylaws Committee

Members solicit and receive ideas and suggestions regarding potential bylaws changes from the Association's membership, the NIRSA Board of Directors, and from NIRSA committees. They draft proposed changes for legal review and offer rationales for member review. They use a variety of platforms (i.e. both electronic and in-person meetings) and engage the Member Network and other appropriate leadership groups to gather member feedback regarding proposed bylaws changes. These members also submit final proposed bylaws changes to the Board of Directors for approval . NIRSA's membership is given the opportunity to vote on these changes.

NIRSA Nominations & Appointments Committee

The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall be a standing committee of the Association, comprised of two members of the Board of Directors (one serving as Chair), two voting members from each region, the NIRSA Student Leader and a Past President Representative.

NIRSA Programs/Services

NIRSA Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee monitors legislative issues relevant to campus recreation that are being discussed at the state and U.S. federal levels and will determine what stance, if any, NIRSA will take on them. The committee helps NIRSA by communicating with members policy and legislative issues impacting higher education and NIRSA’s value areas. This allows members to stay informed regarding these topics.

NIRSA HBCU Coalition

The HBCU Committee was established in 2018—after transitioning from a three-year task force—to focus on the unique needs of recreation departments at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and to continue centering the legacy of HBCUs as a central part of NIRSA’s history.

NIRSA Research & Assessment Committee

The Research and Assessment Committee fosters a culture of research within the Association and facilitates the development and delivery of resources to membership. These resources, which include a variety of benchmarking or research-related products and services, serve as learning opportunities for recreation professionals and students and demonstrate the impact of campus recreation on student success and on advancing the core purpose of higher education.

NIRSA Small Programs Committee

The Small Programs Committee is comprised of members with experience in small program campus recreation administration. The committee supports the development of resources, education, and networking opportunties for small program campus recreation and wellbeing administrators. The committee also serves in an advisory capacity to NIRSA in an effort to bring value to this segment of membership in a way that drives growth in membership and participation.

Student Staff Development Committee

The Student Staff Development Task Force supports campus recreation professionals who manage student employees. As one of the largest employers on college campuses, recreation departments shoulder an important role in the growth and development of their student employees. The task force develops resources and learning opportunities for students and their professional supervisors who are involved in this work on their campuses.

History and Legacy Committee

Preserving and sharing the historically significant milestones and legacies of NIRSA members has long been a prerogative of the Association. At times, the responsibility of this work has been assigned to a single historian. On other occasions, this work has been delegated to committees, work teams, and task forces. In the wake of recommendations made by the recent History & Legacy Work Group—and in concert with the 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee—the History and Legacy Committee has been reconstituted as a standing NIRSA committee.

NIRSA Foundation Committees

75th Anniversary Fundraising Committee

The Association's 75th anniversary will be celebrated in 2025. Festivities will kick off on February 22, 2025 with the majority of celebrations occurring during the 2025 NIRSA Conference in Orlando. Some fundraising efforts may continue throughout the entirety of 2025. The NIRSA Foundation Committee will work closely with the History & Legacy Committee and the 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee to ensure cohesive efforts, guard against any duplication of efforts, and seamlessly implement all things “75th Anniversary.”

Golf Tournament Committee

The Golf Tournament Committee is responsible for planning and facilitating the related preconference event at annual NIRSA Conferences. To ensure the success of the tournament, this committee reviews past evaluations and makes recommendations for improvements the following year. Committee members also serve as volunteers on the day of the event during the NIRSA Conference.

NIRSA Foundation Young Professionals Network

Committee members works closely with NIRSA's Director of Philanthropy, whose role is to support NIRSA members in peer-to-peer fundraising, to identify and foster prospects, and to communicate opportunities to young professionals.

Scholarships and Travel Grants Committee

The Scholarship and Travel Grants Committee is responsible for reviewing applications and awarding scholarships given established criteria approved by the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors. To ensure the success of the scholarship process (application, evaluation, and selection), this committee will review the selection process annually and make recommendations to the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors as needed.

NIRSA Champ Series

Assessment Work Team


Baseball Work Team


Brand Management Work Team


Club Basketball Work Team


Exec Work Team


Flag Football Rulebook Editorial Board


Flag Football Work Team


NIRSA Championship Series Committee


Soccer Work Team


Social Justice Work Team


Standards of Competition Work Team


Tennis Work Team


Unified Work Team


Learn how you can get involved with a NIRSA Committee or Work Team or how to apply for other NIRSA leadership positions.

For more information

Contact Rachel Marcella, NIRSA Membership & Leadership Coordinator

As a diverse organization with many areas of focus, NIRSA is led by a variety of volunteer committees and work teams.

These rotating leadership groups are made up of NIRSA Members committed to exploring a particular issue or area of study relevant to the needs of our organization.

NIRSA Advisory Councils and Task Forces

NIRSA’s Councils and Task Forces engage professionals with extensive knowledge in a particular aspect of campus rec to advance the work of our association.

NIRSA Task Forces are special appointments of subject matter experts and thought leaders who assist the NIRSA Board of Directors with gathering information and generating options & alternatives to address a particular issue.

NIRSA’s Advisory Council members have extensive knowledge and experience in the particular area of focus for the Council so to provide guidance with developing and implementing NIRSA initiatives.

The Esports Task Force, comprised of both NIRSA and NACA members, has completed their charges and NIRSA is now reviewing the potential for continued work in this programming area. Visit the NIRSA Esports Community on NIRSA Connect for resources and discussions.

NIRSA Committees & Work Teams

NIRSA’s action-oriented committees and work teams represent the many strengths and specialties of our organization.

They provide our Members with important information on hot-topic issues, organize events and opportunities within our organization, and facilitate NIRSA’s many programs and initiatives.

Annual Conference Committees

NIRSA Awards Committees

NIRSA Governance Committees

NIRSA Programs/Services

NIRSA Championship Series Work Teams

NIRSA Foundation Committees