Become a leader in collegiate recreation

Member expertise and commitment greatly contribute to the advancement of Association goals through leadership activities.

With a position comes responsibility to fulfill duties and obligations in the highest professional manner, while upholding the mission, vision, goals, objectives, and ideals of the Association.

Serving in a leadership position provides members with an opportunity to further develop professional skills and network with colleagues across the Association.


Applications are required to be considered for NIRSA leadership roles. Due dates vary and are typically between October–January, except for the Assembly which is due in the spring.

Many Ways to Lead

You don’t have to commit to a full term of volunteer leadership service to make a difference; get involved by presenting your ideas, research, or experiences at a NIRSA webinar or event.

Pathways into Leadership

No matter your current skill level, career path, or available time, you can tap into long-term success through NIRSA Pathways into Leadership.

Leadership OpportunityLeadership TypePrevious NIRSA Experience NecessaryApplication AvailableStudent OpportunitiesPositions Available AnnuallyMembership RequiredAdditional Notes
Initial Application Due September
Yes - current membership and two years of continuous membership
Initial Regional Rep Application Due September - Student Leader Applications Due January
Yes - Professional positions: continuous membership for at least two consecutive years; NIRSA Student Leader: continuous student membership for one year prior to election; Regional Student Leaders: student membership current by time of election
Regional Rep positions alternate availability every other year (Regions I, III, V, Ca during even years and Regions II, IV, VI, during odd years) - Student Leader positions open every year
February Open
Yes for most seats, open seats do not require membership
Various Positions Available: NIRSA Professional Member (2-year term), NIRSA Professional Member Less Than 5 Years (2-year term), Open Seats (1-year term), Student Seat (1-year term)
November Open
Yes - and have served on the Assembly 2 years within the last 5
Will serve as Convener-Elect during the Spring before taking over as Convener at start of next Assembly term in June
November Open
November Open
Reach out to your current Member Network Regional Representative if interested
November Open
November Open
Varies by position
November Open
Application opens every other year (even years)
November Open
November Open
November Open
Several Committees offer multi-year terms
Varies by position

NIRSA Board of Directors

“Strategically driving and positioning the Association”

The Board of Directors’ role is to function as the visionary leadership group that strategically positions and drives the Association. The Board is responsible for strategic planning, exercising fiduciary and legal responsibilities, establishing policy, and serving as sole shareholder of NIRSA Services Corporation.

It is a seven person Board comprised of three officers in the Presidential Track positions (President, President Designee, and President Elect), three At-Large Directors, and a Board-elected Annual Director. The Presidential Track and At-Large Director positions serve a three year term.

  • Deadline: September 19

NIRSA Member Network

“Facilitating communication, engagement, and growth of the Membership”

The Member Network expands and enhances the strong regional network of NIRSA and creates numerous opportunities for member involvement and leadership development. The Member Network’s focus is on outreach, engagement, advocacy, local constituent communication, nurturing and developing Members regionally, networking, grassroots growth of the field, overseeing the State/Provincial Directors and Student Leaders, and facilitating regional education opportunities.

For each region there is one Regional Representative and one Regional Student Leader. There is also a NIRSA Student Leader position.

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025

  • Student Application deadline has been extended to January 19, 2023

NIRSA Assembly

“Thinking for the future”

The NIRSA Assembly is a unique group of individuals who work closely with high-level NIRSA leaders to determine what “hot topics” are affecting the profession of collegiate recreation right now and will continue to in the future. Their efforts contribute to the important task of participating in and facilitating thought-provoking discussions regarding the future of the profession.

  • Deadline: January 31

  • Deadline: January 12, 2023

NIRSA Foundation Board

“Supporting the future of recreation sports”

The NIRSA Foundation is a charitable organization that supports the mission of NIRSA. Through fundraising and stewardship efforts, it works to enhance the effectiveness of collegiate recreational sports by providing members meaningful opportunities for scholarship, research, and personal and professional development. It publishes the biannual Recreational Sports Journal, administers several scholarship programs and supports other programs consistent with their mission.

An eleven member board governs the NIRSA Foundation, which includes the designated representative from the NIRSA Board of Directors and NIRSA Executive Director. Board members serve a three year term.

  • Learn more about the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors

  • Learn more about the application process.

  • Deadline: January 16, 2025

NIRSA Services Corporation Board

“Supporting the Vision and Mission of NIRSA through enterprise”

The NIRSA Services Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of NIRSA, was formed in 1999 to develop, guide, and implement marketing opportunities through collegiate recreation.

NSC builds custom marketing opportunities for forward looking companies to tap into the passion and authenticity of the student athlete in the recreation center.

NSC also offers the NIRSA Championship Series, regional and national tournaments for sport club and intramural athletes.

  • Deadline: January 16, 2025

NIRSA’s Board of Directors of the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS)

“Setting the standard for quality in higher education.”

This is a key leadership position on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) Board of Directors as NIRSA’s representative. CAS promotes standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs to maximize the quality and effectiveness of higher education. CAS is comprised of 42 member organizations each of which is represented on the CAS BOD by one or two board members.

The role of NIRSA’s CAS Director and Alternate Director is to represent NIRSA’s interests regarding the establishment and revision of the Collegiate Recreation Program Standards. The Director and Alternate Director are also expected to attend each semi-annual meeting of the CAS BOD, advocate for NIRSA and its initiatives, engage in the business of the Council, and communicate the relevant interests and initiatives of CAS to NIRSA.

NIRSA Collegiate Recreational Sports Professional Registry Commission

“Providing oversight and stewardship of the Professional Registry”

The Collegiate Recreational Sports Professional Registry Commission (Commission) is the governing body for the Registry of Collegiate Recreational Sports Professionals (Registry). The Commission sets and reviews policies for application, renewal and appeals. It periodically reviews the criteria for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and values for Professional Involvement Credits (PICs), and insures the Collegiate Recreational Sports core competencies are keeping pace with the evolution of professional practice. Through these efforts, the Commission works to insure the Registry program will continue to provide a useful and relevant framework for guiding the career-long professional development of Registry members.

The Commission consists of five members as follows: three NIRSA professional members; one faculty member in recreation or an allied field, and one Partner Organization member.

NIRSA State/Provincial Directors & Student Leaders

“Serving at the heart of our member-driven Association”

Each State and Province has a Director and Student Leader. These positions are key to maintaining NIRSA’s focus as a member-driven association as they are a vital link between NIRSA members, the Member Network and other leadership groups.

They communicate with members via newsletters, state workshops and meetings, and support membership recruitment and retention. They are appointed or elected for office by NIRSA members, the timeline and process for elections varies by State/Province.

For information about these positions, contact the Member Network Representative for your region.

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025

NIRSA Championship Series Executive Team

“The only campus non-varsity sports series of its kind”

All NIRSA extramural events and Sport Club Championships, including Flag Football, Soccer, Tennis, and Basketball, are under the umbrella of the NIRSA Championship Series.

A position on the NIRSA Championship Series Exec Team is an honor and a privilege. With a position comes responsibility to fulfill duties and obligations in the highest professional manner, while upholding the mission, goals, objectives, and ideals of the NIRSA Championship Series Committee, NIRSA, and NSC.

The exec team oversees the work team committees the NIRSA Championship Series has, including: assessment of championships, standards of competition, student/professional development, brand management, flag football, soccer, tennis, basketball and club basketball. The exec team chair must commit to serving a three-year term.

  • Deadline: January 12, 2023

NIRSA Championship Series Committee Chairs

All NIRSA extramural events and Sport Club Championships, including Flag Football, Soccer, Tennis, and Basketball, are under the umbrella of the NIRSA Championship Series.

A position on the NIRSA Championship Series Committee is an honor and a privilege. With a position comes responsibility to fulfill duties and obligations in the highest professional manner, while upholding the mission, goals, objectives, and ideals of the NIRSA Championship Series Committee, NIRSA, and NSC.

The committee chairs oversee one of the work team committees the NIRSA Championship Series has, including: assessment of championships, standards of competition, student/professional development, brand management, flag football, soccer, tennis, basketball and club basketball. A committee chair must commit to serving a two-year term.

  • Deadline: February 8, 2023

NIRSA Flag Football Rules Book Editorial Board

The NIRSA Flag & Touch Football Rules Book & Officials’ Manual was first published in 1983. Its purpose is to provide a standardized code of Rules, interpretations and officials’ mechanics for the sport of flag and touch football, and is sold through the NIRSA Education & Publication Center. The NIRSA FFB Editorial Board is responsible for updating and revising the biennial publication and has 12 members, serving staggered two-four year terms. The NIRSA Flag Football Editorial Board terms begin in May.

NIRSA Recreational Sports Journal Editorial Board

“The RSJ is the premier scholarly journal for the profession of collegiate recreation”

The Recreational Sports Journal is the scholarly publication of the NIRSA Foundation. Its purpose is to provide a source of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the field of recreational sports. RSJ Editorial Board members review articles as assigned by the editor-in-chief.

  • Learn more about the NIRSA Recreational Sports Journal

  • Deadline: January 12, 2023

NIRSA Annual Conference Program Committee Chair

“The leading education and networking event in collegiate recreation”

The Program Committee Chair is critical to a successful Annual Conference as this person provides leadership to the Program Committee.

The Chair coordinates the planning of all education sessions and works with the local Annual Conference Host Committee, NIRSA Board of Directors, NIRSA staff, and other stakeholder groups involved in the Annual Conference program. This is a three-year position, consisting of a year each as chair-elect, chair designee, and chair.

  • Deadline: January 12, 2023

NIRSA, NIRSA Foundation & NIRSA Championship Series Committees & Work Teams

“Share your knowledge of a specific topic by serving on a committee or work team”

Committees and work teams do focused work on a particular objective to advance the Association and the profession. Serving on one of the NIRSA, NIRSA Foundation or NIRSA Championship Series Committees or Work Teams is a great way to give back to the Association, gain fluency in a particular topic, and network with other colleagues, click here to see a full list. Terms run for one year. Terms will begin on May 1, rather than post-NIRSA Annual Conference

If you would like to serve on a NIRSA, NIRSA Foundation or NIRSA Championships Series committee or work team as a member or chair, you will need to submit a Committee and Work Team Application (formerly the Committee Preference Form).

NIRSA Mentor/Mentee Program

“Get connected with a NIRSA Professional Member in your area of interest”

As students and young professionals, most of us have outstanding mentors who challenge, nurture, and encourage our career paths. In short, they help us push our boundaries. Why not converse with a mentor outside of your inner circle? Connecting with someone who has different experiences and a different perspective can be a valuable advantage in growing as a professional? Individuals in collegiate recreation often make the most of opportunities to be a graduate assistant or professional expanding your horizons.

NIRSA News Contributing Author

“Get published in the NIRSA News and the NIRSA Know”

NIRSA publishes member-generated articles on a wide variety of topics related to collegiate recreation. While most articles are member spotlights, commentary and views, or program/initiative features, NIRSA also considers other submissions. If you have someone or something you would like to see featured in the NIRSA news, pitch us your idea.

NIRSA School for Early Career Professionals Faculty Member

The NIRSA School for Early Career Professionals is a management program designed to support early career campus recreation professionals in leadership and management development. Led by a six-member faculty team, the School provides a curriculum tailored to NIRSA’s Core Competencies, featuring interactive sessions, learning resources, and opportunities for participant engagement.

Faculty are responsible for designing and delivering the educational content, promoting the event, and facilitating participant interactions during the program, while NIRSA staff manage event logistics, registration, and evaluations. Faculty must have expertise in leadership, a passion for mentorship, and at least five years of managerial experience. Faculty terms are typically two years, with responsibilities including content development, instructional preparation, and participant recruitment, supported by NIRSA Staff.

  • Deadline: January 31, 2025