As the leading association for campus recreation professionals, NIRSA is committed to being a valuable and relevant resource for its members. This is a commitment that requires us to continuously adapt to an everchanging landscape. The Association is comprised of three entities: NIRSA, the NIRSA Foundation, and the NIRSA Services Corporation.
As the parent organization, NIRSA is led by the NIRSA Board of Directors while the philanthropic arm is guided by the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors and the innovation and business arm is directed by the NIRSA Services Corporation Board of Directors. This organizational structure allows three distinct leadership groups to focus on separate but equally important areas of governance and leadership that ultimately bring value to NIRSA members and the broader profession of campus recreation.
All three entities operate under one strategic plan and one set of strategic values. Our volunteer leaders have an ethical imperative to make meaningful, equitable, and inclusive impacts for the communities they serve, and so the NIRSA Nominations & Appointments Committee continues to refine the application process to cultivate boards that reflect the diversity of the profession.
NIRSA Board of Directors
At a recent meeting, the NIRSA Board of Directors appointed Katherine Geter, Assistant Director of Clubs and Intramural Sports at the University of Arkansas, and Mike Warren, Director of Recreation and Wellness at Purdue University, to serve as Annual Directors for the 2022–2023 leadership year.
Katie Geter has been in the collegiate recreation field for the past six years with a focus in intramural programs, club sports, and special events. She has been an active member of NIRSA since 2014, taking part in initiatives to build community, expand networks, and celebrate leaders. An active leader in the Black Women of NIRSA group and the Women’s+ Caucus, Katie participates regularly in online conversations with colleagues. She also has contributed numerous entries to the NIRSA news, including features in the “Women Making History” and “Pioneering the Way” series, for which she was honored with a 2022 NIRSA Annual Service Award.
Mike has been involved with collegiate recreation and NIRSA since 2002. At Purdue, Mike led his team through a shift to virtual RecWell programming (a few include virtual team building, wellness coaching, physical therapy consultations, and cooking demos) during the pandemic, in order to maintain student engagement. Prior to his tenure at Purdue, Mike was at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he was instrumental in passing the largest referendum in UW-Madison’s history ($236 million for two recreation complexes).
Katie and Mike join incoming President-Elect Erin Patchett, Director of Administration and Assessment at Colorado State University, and Dexter Shorter, Associate Director of Campus Rec at Pennsylvania State University, as incoming board members, with their terms beginning May 1. Returning board members include Mila Padgett, Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness at University of South Carolina-Aiken; Dr.Wendy Windsor, Director of Campus Recreation at Tulane University; Nigel Harris, Director of Programs & Facilities at Kennesaw State University; and Victoria Lopez-Herrera, Senior Associate Director of Student Development at the University of Texas – San Antonio.
“As we transition to the 2022 NIRSA Board and welcome new board members, I am excited to begin the work that will coincide with the second year of work on NIRSA’s 2021-2024 strategic plan,” says Mila Padgett, Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness at the University of South Carolina Aiken and NIRSA President-Elect. “In my term serving on the NIRSA Board of Directors, I have witnessed extreme resilience in the face of challenge over the past two years. It’s been a testament to the ability of volunteer leaders to lean in and engage in tough conversations and remain rooted in hopeful optimism through the uncertainty.”
Mila adds, “I am proud that our organization values its volunteer leaders at every level. I believe that NIRSA’s community collective mindset sets us apart. It is this mindset that will propel us forward in the work we have ahead of us surrounding action on the Climate Study findings, reimagining our professional development opportunities, and continuing to lead integrated health and wellbeing in higher education. This coming year I encourage the boards as well as the membership to employ a growth mindset; to remember your why for being part of NIRSA and to share that why with others. I am honored to be serving our organization and look forward to the continued drive, determination, and collaboration of the NIRSA boards, the NIRSA membership, and NIRSA HQ in striving to make a positive impact on our profession and the communities we serve.”
NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors
The NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors begins the 2022–2023 leadership year with four new board members: Yvette Kell, Director of Campus Recreation at University of Missouri–St. Louis; Kevin George, Director of Campus Recreation at Rowan University; Seneca Wilson, Associate Director, Facilities & Guest Services at the University of Alabama at Birmingham; and Steve Bobbitt, Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Yvette has served on the NIRSA School Faculty, the Finance Committee, and the Government Affairs Committee to name just a few of her leadership roles within NIRSA.
Kevin has also spent his time serving NIRSA as a volunteer with the History and Legacy Task Force, the Health & Wellbeing Task Force, officiating at NIRSA events, and has acted in a leadership role in Region I.
Seneca is a respected leader in both the Black Men of NIRSA and the Black Caucus. He has a strong background in non-profit management and non-profit board experience and has undertaken entrepreneurial endeavors. He is a published author and frequent public speaker.
Steve has demonstrated a commitment to all areas of fundraising. He has worked with organizations to create strong and viable fundraising models, assisted with the development of the Mark Fletcher scholarship, and has been a consistent leader moving board projects and initiatives forward.
“Despite the challenges of the past two years, I am proud of the work of the NIRSA Foundation in continuing to provide opportunities for NIRSA members to connect and engage,” says Larry Mellinger, Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness at Elon University and current NIRSA Foundation Board member. “The generosity of our donors and the support from the NIRSA Board is much appreciated and we have been able to advance several timely and relevant initiatives thanks to the leadership of NIRSA Headquarters staff and the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors. These include the membership waiver program, JDEI Climate Study, scholarships for both virtual and in-person education opportunities, and continued research to support and advance our industry. As we look ahead to a new leadership year, I want to thank Lexi Chaput for her leadership as NIRSA Foundation Board President and look forward to continuing to work with her in the Past Board Member Representative role. I am also excited to welcome Steve Bobbitt, Kevin George, Yvette Kell, and Seneca Wilson to the board as we return to in-person events and continue the important work of the NIRSA Foundation.”
Returning board members include Larry Mellinger, Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness at Elon University; James Koeppe, Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Illinois-Springfield; Sophia Marshall, Senior Associate Director of UREC at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte; Jean McClellan-Holt, Assistant Director of Recreation & Wellness at Old Dominion University; Maxwell Miller, Assistant Athletic Director of Recreation & Wellness at Swarthmore College; and Marti Tomlin, Director of Recreation at the University of Richmond.
NIRSA Services Corporation Board of Directors
The NIRSA Services Corporation (NSC) Board of Directors begins the 2022–2023 leadership year with two new board directors: Iisha Voltz, Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness at Texas Southern University, and David Peters, Senior Associate Director of Campus Recreation at Florida State University.
Iisha has been a committed leader at Texas Southern for 19 years as well as the driving force behind developing a comprehensive recreation program known as the TSU Recreation and Wellness Center. Not content to rest on her laurels, Iisha is currently a doctoral candidate pursuing a degree in education leadership. She has been a member of NIRSA since 2007, serving on the HBCU Committee as co-chair and on the EDI Climate Study Committee.
David serves in a COO capacity at FSU as has overseen a wide range of facilities, programs, projects, and budgets in his 20-year tenure as a professional. He began his journey with NIRSA in 2001 and is a past chair of the Member Network as well as the co-host for the NIRSA Championship Series podcast Series Talk. Most recently, Dave was named as the recipient of the 2021 Region II Award of Merit.
“I am excited to welcome David and Iisha as new NSC Board members. Their experience and perspectives will be welcomed by the board and extremely valuable as leaders of our association,” states Michele Schwitzky, a current NSC Board member. “We look forward to leveraging the strengths of David, Iisha, and the returning board members as we focus on growing the entrepreneurial mindset within our profession.”
Returning NIRSA Services Corporation Board members include Michele Schwitzky, recently retired from her role as Senior Associate Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Arizona; Andrew Lemons, Executive Director of Health and Wellness at St. Edward’s University; Jill Krantz, Executive Director Recreation at the University of Pittsburgh; Felicia Tittle, Executive Director at Duke University; and Dave Williams, Executive Director of Recreation Services at Rutgers University.
Please join me in welcoming these incoming and returning NIRSA leaders and extending your appreciation for their volunteer service to the Association!
- For more information, contact NIRSA Headquarters.

Pam Watts
Pam Watts is currently the Executive Director at NIRSA.