Come one, come all for another exciting NIRSA National Soccer Lottery Draw! Find out if the odds are in your favor to be selected for the Open Division this year. The 25th Annual NIRSA National Soccer Championship will be held at the Foley Sports Tourism Complex in Foley, Alabama from November 30 through December 1, 2018.

The Championship Series will once again hold a lottery draw to select the teams participating in the Open Division of the national tournament. Registration will take place on IMLeagues and will open September 28 at 8:00am PST. All teams who wish to be entered in Friday’s lottery draw must register by October 1 at 5:00pm PST.

On October 5 at 9:00am PST, the lottery draw will go live on the NIRSA Play Soccer webpage where 48 lucky teams will be selected to play in this year’s tournament. Once the lottery draw is complete, invitations will go out to those teams selected and each team will have until October 8 at 5:00pm PST to register. For a quick and easy registration process, have the team rep contact info and the sport club director’s email address at the ready. Roster information does not have to be finalized but teams will need to register before the deadline to attend. Teams will be allowed to modify their rosters until November 1.

Like years past, the 2018 Championships will include 96 teams from across the country. Twenty-four teams will complete in each of these divisions: Women’s Championship, Men’s Championship, Women’s Open, and Men’s Open.

For those wondering about the Championship Division at-large bids, they will be sent out on November 6. If you want to learn more about how to qualify for the Championship Division, get in contact with your soccer regional coordinator; they serve as the primary contact for reporting scores during the soccer season.


Nicole Jackson
Director of National Sport Programs at  | NIRSA Profile

Nicole Jackson is currently the Director of National Sport Programs at NIRSA.