NIRSA Voting & Elections

Process for Professional Members

Are you a NIRSA Student Member? View the process for Student Members »

Election Timeline


Candidate slate announced as well as proposed Bylaws amendments


January 17-28, 2025
Elections for Board of Directors and Member Network Regional Representatives


March 4-7, 2024
Elections for NIRSA Student Leader and Regional Student Leaders

Meet the Candidates

Board of Directors Candidates

President Elect

At-Large Director

Member Network Candidates

Region I Representative

Region II Representative

Region III Representative

Region IV Representative

Region V Representative

Region VI Representative

Canadian Region Representative

Meet the Student Candidates

NIRSA Student Leader

Region II Student Leader

Region IV Student Leader

Region V Student Leader

Region VI Student Leader

About Student Elections

There are no candidates standing for office in Regions I, III, or Canada. NIRSA Bylaws state that the election process for Member Network positions shall be in accordance with Association policy as determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Current Association policy states “Elections should be concluded no later than March 1 of each year, with the intention that when possible they will conclude prior to the Annual Conference. Therefore, the nomination and election process is subject to change.” The unfilled positions will be treated as a vacancy. Current Association policy states that “a vacancy for NIRSA Student Leader or Regional Student Leader will be filled with a recommendation by the Student Leadership Team to the Member Network, who will approve the appointment.”

With the help of the Member Network, NIRSA will continue to recruit candidates to fill the open student leader positions in Regions I, III, and Canada, with hopes of appointing representatives to fill the vacant seats this spring before the new leadership year begins.

After much consideration, elections for the 2023-2024 Student Leadership Team will be moved to March 1-7, 2023.

The decision to delay the recruitment timeline for student representatives allows the Nominations & Appointments Committee to continue recruiting student members to serve in NIRSA Student Leader and regional student leader roles for regions I-VI and Canada.

Reminder about Voting in NIRSA Elections

Eligible members will receive a personalized ballot on January 17 and a reminder message before January 28 from YesElections with a personalized ballot. Please make sure your member profile is updated with your current email address so you can exercise your opportunity to vote! Only those members whose NIRSA membership is active as of 11:00am Eastern/8:00am Pacific on January 16 will be eligible to vote.

YesElections is NIRSA’s online voting platform. If you cannot locate your personalized NIRSA ballot, please check your junk mail for a message from YesElections. If you don’t find a message, then you should add as a safe sender, or whitelist the email address, and contact NIRSA Member Engagement Manager Natasha Fischer for assistance prior to elections closing on January 28.

Recruiting & Applying

The recruitment and application process for professional positions occurs in late summer through early fall. Recruitment and application for student positions occurs fall through early winter.

Apply to Serve!

If you would like more information about serving NIRSA in a leadership capacity, please contact a member of the Nominations & Appointments Committee or the Member Network.

For more information about NIRSA voting & elections, contact NIRSA Member Engagement Manager Natasha Fischer.

Meet the Candidates

Board of Directors Candidates

President Elect

At-Large Director

Member Network Candidates

Region I Representative

Region II Representative

Region III Representative

Region IV Representative

Region V Representative

Region VI Representative

Canadian Region Representative