Welcoming TripBeat to NIRSA’s Discounts and Rewards program
The Discounts & Rewards program continues to grow and expand offerings to NIRSA members. Travel options just became more affordable because of your connection to NIRSA.
The Discounts & Rewards program continues to grow and expand offerings to NIRSA members. Travel options just became more affordable because of your connection to NIRSA.
NIRSA and Club Colors have teamed up to offer members and campuses the opportunity to purchase customized Rec Day 2017 T-shirts! T-shirts are available for order on the Rec Day page of the NIRSA website.
NIRSA's excited to welcome Ellis & Associates as a new associate member and our new aquatics certification provider! They provides aquatics, safety & health education, and training programs for over 600 organizations around the world.
The Association is pleased to announce that FLITE Soccer is now a new NIRSA associate member! On top of that, FLITE Soccer has become the official soccer ball for the NIRSA National Championship Series.