NIRSA is excited to announce that Meagan Johnson, one of the authors of Generations, Inc.: From Boomers to Linksters—Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work, will join the featured speaker lineup at the 2020 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo!
Meagan is known as a “generational humorist” who challenges her audiences to think differently and act decisively when dealing with multiple generations.
Educating through entertainment since 1997, Meagan has worked with a variety of organizations and associations to build multi-generational effective relationships. Meagan believes each generation has more in common than many people think and helps her audiences find common ground and build on generational strengths. She believes the best strategy for success is not thinking about how people are different but thinking about how they’re the same.
Meagan and her baby boomer father Larry Johnson are the authors of Generations, Inc.: From Boomers to Linksters—Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work. She has written a variety of articles about multiple generations and has been interviewed for many publications and audio programs. She has been quoted in The Chicago Tribune,, US News & World Report, and in many other publications.
Each generation has a different perception of what motivates them. Meagan says, “Every generation gets a negative label when it enters the workforce. For example, baby boomers were called trouble-making hippies when they first went to work. Once we take time to understand the motivations and mindset of each generation, working with them, communicating with them, and managing them becomes a more successful effort.”
Join Meagan and association members at the General Session on Sunday, April 19 from 1:30pm–2:30pm to learn about what you can do now to make the most of each generation in your workplace!
Join the Gen Z conversations at NIRSA 2020!
Did you know that with there are now five generations working together in today’s workforce? Here’s a sample of other sessions at NIRSA 2020 that focus on the new cohort in the workforce: Generation Z.
Gen Z: An Exercise in Understanding Today’s College Student
Sunday, April 19 | 8:00am–9:00am
NIRSA’s exclusive marketing partner, Riddle and Bloom, conducts an annual survey to understand what makes college students tick—from health and wellbeing, to nutrition, to technology, to buying preferences, and more. This panel will explore the driving influences among 18-24 year-olds.
Gen Z: Reshaping Higher Education and Its Impact on Collegiate Rec
Monday, April 20 | 8:00am–9:30 am
Coordinated by the NIRSA Assembly
This panel discussion is about Generation Z (those born 1997 onward) and its impact on collegiate recreation (Dimock, 2019). This session will feature various NIRSA professionals and showcase multiple points of view. The Assembly aims to engage professionals in thoughtful consideration of the opportunities presented by this generation as they attend our institutions and enter our workforce.
Prepare Yourself: Generation Z and How to Support Them
Monday, April 20 | 3:45pm–4:45pm
Presented by Jillian Dolciato, Club Sports Coordinator at Xavier University; Andrew Bruni, Assistant Director of Student Development and Operations, CENTERS, LLC at the University of Missouri-St Louis; and Leigh Fouts, Fitness and Wellness Coordinator at Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus
This presentation will dive into the newest group of college students: Generation Z. Attendees will unpack who Generation Z is and what unique challenges they’re bringing with them to college campuses—such as a difficulty handling adversity. This presentation will address solutions to developing this upcoming generation as well as explore what we should expect to see within our participation numbers and outcomes.
Leveraging the Power of Gen Z in Holistic Wellness
Tuesday, April 21 | 8:30am–9:30am
Presented by Monica Webb, Program Director at GatorWell
Our college student population is representative of Generation Z. Born between the mid-to late-1990s and mid 2010s, Gen Z is the most diverse, most technologically connected generation to date. In their world, knowledge is infinite and immediate. This session will focus on the distinguishing characteristics of Gen Z and how they compare to other generations. Through the application of the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, participants will describe Gen Z wellness, infuse health and wellbeing practices into various recreational programs, and discuss potential strategies for engaging this generation in collegiate recreation and wellbeing.
Visit the NIRSA 2020 website to browse all the education opportunities!
- For more information, please contact NIRSA Director of Professional Development Kristen Gleason.

Kristen Gleason
Kristen Gleason is currently the Director of Professional Development at NIRSA