The 2020 NIRSA School for Mid-Level Professionals will take place in Tampa, Florida from May 17–21. It will be an intensive, four-day program geared towards experienced campus recreation professionals. The ideal participant will usually have five or more years of professional experience and should be familiar with budget responsibilities as well as the supervision of professional staff. This event provides an excellent opportunity for mid-level professionals to learn from experienced, senior administrators in the field.

“The NIRSA School was one of the best professional development opportunities that I have been a part of,” says Jordan Olson, Associate Director for Facilities and Programs at Western Michigan University. “It ranks right up there with attending my first Region III Lead On as an undergrad, which was very influential in shaping my career path and in my becoming the person I am today. I highly recommend this experience to other emerging NIRSA professionals.”

NIRSA Schools provide an intimate learning experience to help professionals at specific levels in their careers develop competencies to be successful in the fields of higher education and collegiate recreation. The 2020 event will focus on mid-level professionals while the 2021 event will be for new professionals. If you have questions about which NIRSA School event is right for you, please contact NIRSA Director of Professional Development Kristen Gleason.

“The NIRSA School of College Recreation Level II was one of the best experiences I have had while being a NIRSA member. It allowed me to grow and learn from some great professionals in our field,” explains Andy Rampe, Coordinator of Competitive Sports at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. “It also allowed me to network with some colleagues I may have never had the opportunity to meet. If you ever get the opportunity to attend the School, do it. You won’t be disappointed.”

The 2020 event will include a common reading book. Additionally, the curriculum will include topics relevant to mid-career professionals—including supervision, budgeting, assessment, and other challenges in higher education and campus recreation. With a 1:6 faculty to attendee ratio, this event provides an opportunity to dive deep into topics relevant to mid-level professionals. This will also allow those professionals to grow their networks.

“I took something valuable away from every single educational session, met truly amazing people, and felt both support and challenge from my cohort, the other attendees, and the faculty. I’m returning to my campus with so many ideas and a refreshed mindset,” says Erin Patchett, Director of Administration and Assessment at Colorado State University, about her NIRSA School experience.

Registration for the 2020 NIRSA School will open online on Wednesday, December 11 and will be first come, first served. This event is limited to 48 participants.


  • To learn more about NIRSA professional development events, visit the NIRSA website.
Director of Professional Development at  | NIRSA Profile

Kristen Gleason is currently the Director of Professional Development at NIRSA