On Wednesday, October 9 at 1:30pm EST, the Association will host a NIRSA Bylaws town hall videoconference via Zoom. Save the date and plan to join NIRSA President Leah Hall Dorothy as she presents the proposed bylaw amendments for the 2019–2020 election cycle.

This videoconference will review the same presentation that is being given at each fall regional conference and state workshop. If you won’t be able to attend a fall event and want to learn more about the proposed amendments to the bylaws, make sure to register for this videoconference!

Registered attendees will be sent a confirmation email with a personalized online link and an option to dial-in by phone if they cannot access the videoconference via the internet. Attendees will also be able to add the event to their calendar from the confirmation email.

If you’re unable to attend the videoconference, it will be recorded and available at a later date. Proposed amendments information can also be found on the NIRSA website. Members can submit feedback regarding the proposed amendments—questions, concerns, general comments—via this form. Feedback will be taken through Friday, November 1. After that date, the NIRSA Bylaws Committee will meet, review all of the feedback, and make final recommendations to the NIRSA Board of Directors regarding any potential changes.

This is a great opportunity to get involved with Association governance—register for the town hall video conference today and make sure to submit your feedback!

  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Senior Director of Operations Mary Callender.
Senior Director of Operations at  | NIRSA Profile

Mary Callender, CRSS is the Senior Director of Operations at NIRSA.