“Service: The act of helping or doing work for someone; an act of assistance.” -Definition by Oxford Dictionaries

Where would NIRSA be without the service of its members? From those who support our initiatives on an institutional level to those who represent us on a more global level, I dare say NIRSA would not be THE premier collegiate recreation association without the service of its members. These individuals, or groups of individuals, have not asked what NIRSA can do for them, but what THEY can do for NIRSA.

Please help NIRSA set the standard of excellence in professional and student achievement by acknowledging exceptional performance, dedication, creativity, and innovation with a nomination for the NIRSA Annual Service Award. The award recognizes up to six professional members, up to three student members, and up to two groups for their outstanding contributions to NIRSA and the field of collegiate recreation.

“Being a past recipient of the NIRSA Service Award is a great honor,” says Jenny Larson, Assistant Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness for Sport Programs at Elon University. “Knowing that I was able to give back to NIRSA as a whole and work with some amazing people to put on the Sport Club Institute was an awesome moment. I appreciate that a fellow professional took time to acknowledge our work and the meaning that it had on so many others.”

Presented during the NIRSA Annual Conference, the awards are given to members who demonstrate exceptional performance during the previous year in leadership and development of NIRSA programs, policies, events, special projects, or committees. Winners will be acknowledged with a handsome plaque during the awards ceremony at the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Recreation and Wellness Expo, and have their names recognized in the NIRSA Know and NIRSA Annual Conference materials.

“Receiving the NIRSA Annual Service Award inspires me not only in my own volunteer efforts but also in encouraging fellow members to step forward to make valuable contributions to our Association and our profession,” says David Peters, Associate Director of Campus Recreation at Florida State University.

The current nomination form is now open on the NIRSA website. The nomination deadline is Thursday, November 15.


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator Lani Beavers.
Assistant Director, Sport Clubs and Summer Camps at Old Dominion University | NIRSA Profile

Jean McClellan-Holt is Assistant Director, Sport Clubs and Summer Camps at Old Dominion University. She is Chair of the NIRSA Annual Service Award Committee.