As a member of the NIRSA Championship Series Soccer Work Team for years now, I have had the pleasure of working with many of the current and past volunteers who have served in many different roles. I’ve worked a few different regional tournaments as well as many national ones and hosted in different NIRSA regions. All the volunteers that we work with for these events are instrumental to the success of the tournaments, but I’d have to say that the lead volunteers set the standard for quality.

The leaders I’m talking about are the regional coordinators. I can’t speak highly enough about the high standard of work the current and past regional coordinators have produced. We have seen an absolute increase worldwide in the number of players and fans of the sport of soccer—and the collegiate club is keeping up with the times. While some sports are decreasing in popularity, soccer has seen more teams, more players, more interest, and more skill than before.

Regional coordinator. What does that even mean for NIRSA soccer? Regional coordinators serve NIRSA and the student staff and athletes of the growing sport of soccer on a regular basis as they prepare for the competition season. If you’re looking for the next professional development opportunity or the chance to oversee professionals in volunteer positions, this is the leadership role for you! Regional coordinators are a huge asset and driver for NIRSA soccer’s scope and scale. Each region has at least two regional coordinators in hopes of nurturing a collaborative culture for the people in these roles.

Regionally, the coordinators are responsible for the successful execution of regional soccer tournaments, soccer league play and scheduling, and overseeing many volunteers across the regions who serve as division coordinators. In some regions, the regional coordinators also serves as league commissions as an additional experience. The regional coordinator role is a three-year commitment in hope of allowing enough time for the incoming regional coordinators to learn and collaborate with their partners in the region before taking the lead in the final year.

In recent years, the role of regional coordinators has been filled with mainly sport club and intramural professionals. However, this is an opportunity for not only those particular NIRSA members but for all NIRSA members. NIRSA soccer is currently accepting applications for the regional coordinator position in regions II, V, and VI. Apply online by Wednesday March 14 to become a regional soccer coordinator!


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Championship Series Soccer Work Team Chair Laura Thomas or NIRSA National Sport Programs Coordinator Nicole Jackson.
Assistant Director, Competitive Sports at University of Alabama | NIRSA Profile

Laura Thomas, Chair of the NIRSA Championship Series Soccer Work Team, is currently Assistant Director, Competitive Sports at the University of Alabama.