NIRSA will hold elections this winter for President Elect and At-Large Director on the Board of Directors as well as for the following Member Network positions: NIRSA Student Leader, regional student leaders in all regions, and regional representatives for Regions II, IV, and VI as well as the Canadian Region.

Earl Cabellon, Assistant Director for Student Personnel at the University of Maryland, doesn’t hesitate to say that “serving on the Member Network has been the pinnacle of my NIRSA service. I have gleaned so much from the opportunities to serve our members by gathering feedback to improve regional business and utilizing my communication and technology skills to update the region on important matters.” He adds, “Overall, I have appreciated working with amazing collegiate recreation professionals!”

“Serving on the Member Network creates an international family who strengthen each other through accountability, shared values, and professionalism,” explains Will Trent, Marketing Coordinator of Campus Recreation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NIRSA Student Leader from 2016-2017. “Working toward the common goal of advancing the profession of collegiate recreation comes with its fair share of fun too!” Committed volunteers oversee NIRSA’s operations and services—they make the decisions that have a strong impact and establish the direction of the Association.

Stacey Hall, Director of Campus Recreation at the University of New Hampshire and NIRSA Past President from 2016-2017, describes her service by saying, “I learned about so many great contributions by colleagues across the Association—both in terms of contributions to NIRSA and also to their respective institutions. In addition, the thoughtful, strategic discussions about the future of the Association and our field were insightful and exciting to participate in.”

NIRSA’s dedicated and outstanding members are the driving force of the organization—and so the NIRSA Nominations & Appointments Committee wants your help to fill these important and influential positions with talented, thoughtful, and dedicated leaders who will help us drive our Association forward.

Serving as a NIRSA leader not only benefits the Association, it leads to personal and professional growth. Janice DeMonsi, Director of Recreation at Santa Clara University and a past member of the NIRSA Board of Directors, says, “It was an honor to serve NIRSA on the Board of Directors. My role as Annual Director allowed me to work with the strategic values commissions which benefit all of the professional and student members of our organization. In addition, I personally grew as a leader and gained many more connections within the NIRSA family.”

If you’re interested in one of the available positions, apply by sending a resume and a letter of application detailing your qualifications to—applications are due by Tuesday, October 3. If you know a NIRSA member who would be an excellent fit for one of these roles, please consider making a recommendation by sending an email to any member of the NIRSA Nominations and Appointments Committee with the member’s name and institution. The Committee will contact recommended candidates to assess their interest and discuss the application process.

Visit the Voting & Elections page on the NIRSA website to learn more about recruitment and elections!

Nominations and Appointments Committee


Ken Morton, Stephen F. Austin State University

Board of Directors’ Representative

Leah Dorothy Hall, Oregon State University

NIRSA Student Leader

Corbin Ross, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Mick Deluca (Past Presidents’ Representative), UCLA
Kevin George, Rowan University
Michael Collins, Florida State University
Marti Tomlin, University of Richmond
Sarah Hardin, DePaul University (CENTERS, LLC)
Dave Deangelo, The Ohio State University
Laurie Braden, Louisiana State University
Randall Ford, University of Texas – Austin
John Howard, Colorado School of Mines
Troy Snow, Oregon State University
Kevin Martin, UC Riverside
Cody Mikl, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Scott Haines, SUNY College at Brockport
Mary Callender, NIRSA Headquarters


Leadership Programs Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Lani Sherman was the Leadership Programs Coordinator at NIRSA.