By Kendra Hall

Are you looking to be (or find) a star at NIRSA 2014?

Then the Career Opportunities Center (COC) is the place to be!

Want a preview of what it’s like for job seekers to utilize this conference resource?

Check out the NIRSA Foundation “Where are they now” feature on Caroline Dotts—she discusses her experiences with the Career Opportunities Center and shares a student’s perspective.

Don’t miss the Career Opportunities Center at NIRSA 2014.

Job Seekers

If you are still searching for a graduate assistantship, your first professional position, or a new professional position, join us at the 2014 Career Opportunities Center in Nashville! Your registration for the conference gives you full candidate access as a candidate. The Career Opportunities Center will be open Wednesday, April 23 through Saturday, April 26 and will provide opportunities to:

  • Network and build relationships with students and professionals in the field
  • Receive feedback and assistance with your resume and interviewing tips
  • Meet  and interview with potential employers

Check out Bluefish Jobs for the most recent job listings in the field— especially those with the 2014 Career Opportunities Center logo as those are the schools that will have employers recruiting in Nashville.

The NIRSA 2014 guitar pick icon denotes jobs that will be available at the Career Opportunities Center.


Still looking for the perfect candidate to join your department? It’s not too late to register as an employer for the 2014 Career Opportunities Center!  With an average of 400+ candidates utilizing this resource, you’ll have many potential stars to choose from.

Employer registration is available on Bluefish Jobs and is $165 for NIRSA member institutions. It includes one job posting; additional postings are $125 each. All jobs posted as “Career Fair” jobs for the 2014 NIRSA Career Opportunities Center will run for 60-days or through the end of the conference, whichever is longer.

If you are interested in purchasing a 30-minute presentation to share information about your school and the position you are filling, please contact Kendra Hall at NIRSA Headquarters. Please note, you will need to be registered as an Employer for the Career Opportunities Center. The fee for presentation rooms is $75 for a member institution and $135 for a non-member institution. All scheduling will be handled by the NIRSA Headquarters after the purchase has been completed.