By Valerie McCutchan

The NIRSA National Campus Championship Series (NCCS) is excited to announce the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida as a multiple year host for the NIRSA NCCS National Flag Football Championships.

The host site’s Director of Recreation, Bill Healey, said, “UWF is excited to work with NIRSA and the NCCS to host the National Flag Football Championships.

We look forward to providing a premiere collegiate recreation tournament experience for participants, officials, NIRSA student, and professional members.

We have a rich history of hosting regional and national championships and know that Pensacola will shine with southern hospitality.”

NIRSA National Campus Championship Series Flag Football Tournament

The bar has been set high by past years’ exceptional NIRSA national tournaments at the University of Texas -Dallas, University of South Florida, Texas A&M University, and the University of Central Florida. you can expect the same at the University of West Florida. The University of West Florida will join the ranks by taking cues for success from its predecessors, such as abiding by the same standards and processes for staff applications and officials’ qualifications as years past. Beyond procedures, Brian Mills, Assistant Director of Intramural Sports at University of Houston and chair of the NCCS Flag Football work team assured that “NIRSA members can expect to see the NIRSA NCCS values and processes in full effect as the University of West Florida hosts the National Championships over the coming years. We are looking forward to exceptional events in Pensacola.” The NCCS committee and the flag football work team has been working to make significant improvements to the regional and national tournaments and by having a host locked in at a destination location with an extremely hard working staff, we are in a position to bring flag football back to the pinnacle of the national scene.”

In addition to the standard slew of benefits, the next national tournament will also include a non-collegiate division. This expanded format fulfills an effort to make the tournament more conducive to sustainable communities, increasing participation and development opportunities to a wider breadth of participants, officials, and staff.