The Juliette Moore Distinguished Leadership Award was established in an effort to honor those individuals who have helped further the goals of building a diverse and inclusive culture in our Association by fostering equality of opportunity, encouraging diverse perspectives, and creating a welcoming and supportive climate.

If you would like to recognize a NIRSA member who best exemplifies the hard work and dedication that goes into the continuing creation of a diverse and inclusive community, please submit a nomination for this award no later than Tuesday, November 15. Nominees, through their actions and example, should provide members with a standard of excellence to strive for—as highlighted by their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

To nominate an individual, please send an email with their name, school or NIRSA affiliation, and a response to the following question to the People of Color Social Committee: How does this nominee best exemplify the hard work and leadership dedication that go into the continued creation of a diverse and inclusive community? Remember, nominations are due by November 15. Please submit your email today!

  • For more information about the 2017 Juliette Moore Distinguished Leadership Award, please contact People of Color Social Committee member David Davenport.
David Davenport
Director at Austin Peay State University | NIRSA Profile

David Davenport is currently the Director at Austin Peay State University and a Past President of NIRSA.