Application for NIRSA Committees & Work Teams

NIRSA | NIRSA Foundation | NIRSA Championship Series

Annually, NIRSA recruits members to volunteer to serve on the Association’s committees and work teams. Member expertise and commitment to NIRSA greatly contributes to the advancement of Association goals through the activities of the committees and work teams.

Appointment to a position on a NIRSA, NIRSA Foundation, or NIRSA Championship Series committee or work team is an honor and a privilege. With an appointment comes responsibility to fulfill duties and obligations in the highest professional manner while upholding the mission, goals, objectives, and ideals of the Association.

NIRSA Committees & Work Teams for 2025-2026

  • New NIRSA Award Steering Committee
  • Honor Award Committee
  • Audit & Finance
  • Bylaws
  • Campus Rec & Wellness Expo Committee
  • Conference Program
  • Early Career Advisory Group
  • Government Affairs
  • Health and Wellbeing Briefing Work Group
  • History & Legacy Committee
  • Small Programs Committee
  • Student Staff Development Committee
  • Scholarship and Travel Grant Committee
  • Young Professionals Network
  • Golf Tournament Committee
  • Analysis & Development
  • Basketball
  • Brand Management
  • Club Basketball
  • Flag Football
  • Soccer
  • Social Justice
  • Standards of Competition
  • Unified

To apply for the Nominations & Appointments Committee, please use this link.

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  • Annual Service Award Committee
  • Campus Rec Innovative Programming Award Committee
  • Creative Excellence Award Committee
  • Honor Award Committee
  • Outstanding Facilities Award Committee
  • William N. Wasson Student Leadership & Academic Awards Committee

In order to serve on one of the groups, please complete the Committee & Work Team Application to indicate the committee or work team you’re interested in serving on. You may select up to three committees. Please note, the order in which you select your committees represents your preference for service. For example, selecting the Audit & Finance Committee first will indicate that the Audit & Finance Committee is your first preference for a committee to serve on.


The NIRSA Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Committee is appointed by the NIRSA Member Network. If interested in serving on the NIRSA N&A Committee please complete the interest form.

The Health & Wellbeing Task Force is recruiting for the following work groups:

  • Promising Practices Work Group: Help bring NIRSA’s Promising Practices resource to life. Promising Practices are collaborative or integrated wellbeing initiatives and campus-wide efforts that—driven and realized by the efforts of campus recreation staff and leaders—support the campus community. Applicants should have some experience with this work on their own campus.
  • Wellbeing Briefing Work Group: Help bring NIRSA’s Wellbeing Briefing resource to life. The goals of this digest are to communicate collective work in the wellbeing field; share research; connect members to existing wellbeing resources, tools, and surveys; and communicate training and development opportunities in the wellbeing space. Applicants should have experience in wellbeing work and already be actively staying up-to-date on what’s happening in the field.
  • Health & Wellbeing Research Work Group: Members of this working group will assist with exploring existing reach and assessment efforts that have collected and/or are collecting wellness/wellbeing data within the NIRSA community and to create an inventory of these projects with a point of contact and copy of the instrument(s) they are utilizing.

Community of Practice Conveners

In addition to Committees and Work Teams, NIRSA is seeking members to serve as the Convener for each of the Communities of Practice.

The NIRSA Board endorsed transitioning the Communities of Practice volunteer leadership structure from a work team model to a single convener format.

A Community of Practice Convener is charged with facilitating discussion in their Community, organizing the resources in the library, surfacing any issues that are raised that may require action or review, and assisting with recruiting members to provide input on the topic area when needed. A Community of Practice Convener should be a member with a high degree of knowledge in their designated topic area.

To apply to serve in this role, please complete the Committee Application and specifically select the Community of Practice in which you’d like to serve; please specify “chair” as the role you are interested in.

Committee & Work Team Application and Appointment Process

  • If you would like to serve on a NIRSA, NIRSA Foundation or NIRSA Championship Series committee or work team, please complete and submit your Committee Application, by the requested due date.
  • Please note that you need to reapply annually by submitting a new Committee Application.
  • For the Committees/Work Teams that you select on the form, you will have the opportunity to indicate if you are interested in serving as the chair. This information will be taken into account during the appointment process. Please note: Select committees recruit specifically for the chair position.
  • Terms run for one year and begin on May 1 for NIRSA and NIRSA Foundation committees and June 1 for NIRSA Championship Series work teams.
  • Submit only one (1) Committee Application per member.
  • Only Professional and Student Members are eligible to serve on committees; appointees must maintain membership and remain in good standing throughout the appointment term.
  • Committee and work team appointments will be made by the President Designee or NIRSA Executive Director.
  • If you are appointed, it is your responsibility to notify the Committee Chair (or President Designee if you are appointed Committee Chair) if you cannot serve.

Additional Leadership Opportunities

Please note that there is a separate application process for other NIRSA-related leadership opportunities, including:

  • NIRSA Board of Directors
  • NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors
  • NIRSA Services Corporation Board of Directors
  • NIRSA Member Network
  • NIRSA Assembly
  • NIRSA Annual Conference Program Committee Chair
  • Recreational Sports Journal Editorial Board
  • NIRSA Flag Football Rules Book Editorial Board
  • NIRSA’s Board of Directors of the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS)

Learn about these and other volunteer opportunities on the Get Involved page.

NIRSA Committee Member Acceptance Agreement

If appointed to a committee or work team, I agree to:

  • Maintain current membership in good standing in the Association for the duration of my term. Fulfill duties and responsibilities of my position within NIRSA during the term of my appointment.
  • Uphold the Bylaws of the Association, conduct myself in accordance with the ideals and standards of the Association, and adhere to its Code of Ethics.
  • Acknowledge that all work accomplished as a result of my service, including all work outcomes and products, is for the benefit of NIRSA; it belongs to the Association and shall be relinquished to NIRSA in a timely manner upon request. This includes, but is not limited to: surveys and survey results; papers; books; and research. I further agree that I shall not publish, distribute, reproduce, manufacture or sell said work outcomes and products as my own without prior written permission from NIRSA.
  • Acknowledge that NIRSA is not bound by any statement or actions by me except when such is in pursuance of specific instructions by NIRSA and that I am not to present myself as a representative of NIRSA at any time other than in the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities as described for my position.
  • Acknowledge that if at any time during my term I fail to fulfill my duties or meet these commitments, I may be removed from my position by the NIRSA Committee Chair or NIRSA President.
  • Abide by the NIRSA Confidentiality Policy [Adopted by the NIRSA Board of Directors, May 10, 2017]:

    The President of NIRSA and any other Director in the appointment of members to work teams and committees shall advise such individuals to conduct meetings in executive session where confidential information shall be disclosed.

    A Director of NIRSA or Non-Director Committee Member shall not disclose Confidential Information. Confidential Information is information that is acquired while participating in an executive session of a meeting of the Board of Directors or of a NIRSA committee which is being conducted in executive session.

Deadline to apply: February 10, 2022

Need help?

Please contact the NIRSA Membership and Leadership Coordinator, Rachel Marcella, if you have questions about NIRSA Committees and Work Teams or have difficulties submitting your form.