By Pam Watts

NIRSA’s evolution and advancement is powered by member expertise and commitment to volunteer service. We strive to build a community whose members have diverse cultures, backgrounds and life experiences. Diversity in leadership positions is an active process that requires continuous commitment.

For several years, both the NIRSA Foundation and NIRSA Services Corporation Boards of Directors—with the support of the parent NIRSA Board of Directors—have sought to diversify the perspectives and experiences represented in their volunteer leadership positions, especially at the Board level. Both Boards put additional effort into developing future leaders through their respective committees, and expanded recruitment efforts to increase the number of applicants received.

In light of these tremendous efforts, we are pleased to announce the following new appointments!

NIRSA Services Corporation Board of Directors

  • Stephanie McAlpine, Assistant Director of Campus Recreation, The University of Texas at Arlington, 2016–2019
  • Jennifer Speer, Associate Director, The University of Texas at Austin, 2016–2018
  • Mark Williams, Director of RecSports, University of Notre Dame, 2016–2019

“We welcome Stephanie, Jennifer, and Mark to the NSC Board and look forward to leveraging their unique experiences, both on campus and in NIRSA, to further the mission of the NIRSA Services Corporation,” says NIRSA Services Corporation President David Bowles, Director at the University of Florida. “Our primary roles as overseer of the NIRSA Championship Series, a platform for student and professional development, and entrepreneurial revenue generation are enhanced with diverse perspectives and experiences.”

David has been reappointed to a three-year term, and is joined by returning NIRSA Services Corporation Board members John Campbell, Executive Director of Campus Recreation and Unions, Division Facilities at the University of California-Davis; Stu Halsall, Associate Vice Chancellor of Athletics and Recreation at the University of Denver; and Eric Hawkes, Director of University Recreation at North Carolina State University.

NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors

Armed with a new vision for fundraising, and supported by the feasibility study and implementation plan completed in 2015 as well as investment in infrastructure by NIRSA, the Foundation recently amended its bylaws to expand the size of its Board of Directors. “We realized the Foundation could benefit from a larger Board so that additional skills, perspectives, and fundraising networks could be included at the strategic level,” says NIRSA Foundation Board President Tom Kirch. “These additional Board seats will ensure we have all the necessary resources for achieving our new and expanded fundraising goals.”

  • Lexi Chaput, Assistant Director of Club Sports, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016-2019
  • Beththena Johnson, Training and Development Coordinator, The Ohio State University, 2016-2017
  • Greg Jordan, Director of Campus Recreation, Oakland University, 2016-2018
  • Mick McComber, Director of Recreational Sports Outdoor Program, University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2016-2019

Deb Johnson, Senior Associate Director at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was reappointed to a three-year term. She is joined by returning Board members Chris Muller, Associate Director at The University of Texas at Arlington; Tom Kirch, retired from Oregon State University; Suzi Smith, Director at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; and Eric Stein, Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Physical Education, Recreation and Wellness at Stanford University.

Foundation Nominations Committee Chair and Foundation Board Past President Stan Campbell, Association Vice Chancellor and Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, says, “I’m pleased to see so many NIRSA professionals willing to give of their time, talent, and treasure through service to the Foundation Board. We had numerous well-qualified candidates for the 2016 slate.”


We welcome all of these NIRSA leaders to their new roles and thank them for their commitment to serving the Association!


For more information about the NIRSA Services Corporation Board of Directors, please contact NIRSA Assistant to the Executive Office Erin O’Sullivan. For more information about the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors, please contact NIRSA Interim Foundation Coordinator Grace McCrary.