With profound sadness, we share that Will Holsberry—Executive Secretary of the Association from 1973-1986, Executive Director from 1986-1997, and 1980 Honor Award recipient—passed away on Monday, January 6 at the age of 89.
Will joined the Association in 1962 and was pivotal in establishing the NlRSA National Office on the campus of Oregon State University in 1985 and serving as NIRSA’s first Executive Director beginning in 1986. Will’s commitment to the field of campus recreation and to the Association was unwavering for over three decades. In 1997, when Will retired from NIRSA, NIRSA President Craig Stinson of Bemidji State University said it best: “Will’s love for our profession and for our membership is unrivaled. Without his leadership and vision, NIRSA would not be as successful as it is today.”
Will graduated from Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) in 1962 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Education. Within the year he joined the Association, known then as the National Intramural Association (NIA), as a member. In 1965, ENMU awarded him a Master of Science in Physical Education and Recreation. Will also undertook additional graduate studies at both Texas Tech University and North Texas State University.

Rising through the ranks
From 1963 until 1972, Will was employed at Texas Tech University as both Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and as Assistant Director of Intramural Sports. With one year of doctoral studies at North Texas State behind him, Will returned to Texas Tech as Associate Director of Intramurals/Recreation from 1973-1975.
Will was appointed as NIA Executive Secretary in 1973 following the tenure of Edsel Buchanan. In a 1997 NIRSA Newsletter, Will said, “When I agreed to assume the responsibilities of the Executive Secretary in 1973, I had been a member for over ten years, I had chaired a few committees, and I had assisted Edsel Buchanan when he served as Secretary and [1968] President of the Association.” As the Executive Secretary, Will’s original responsibilities included managing the budget, producing and circulating the newsletter, organizing the executive committee meetings, and organizing the annual national conference with the conference host.
In 1975—the same year the NIA became the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA)—Will moved from Lubbock, Texas to Corvallis, Oregon where he began work at Oregon State University (OSU). He held the positions of Assistant Director of Physical Recreation and Assistant Professor in College Student Services Administration. Will served as the chief fiscal officer, program director, and facility manager for all the areas within the OSU Physical Recreation Department. He also served on numerous OSU committees.

Will’s move from Texas Tech to Oregon State was made under an unusual condition: He would accept the offered position at OSU so long as the university allowed him to bring the NIRSA National Office with him. This condition was accepted and Will’s office at OSU was soon after recognized by NIRSA membership as the de facto headquarters of NIRSA business affairs.
Growing in stature
In 1980, NIRSA selected Will as the Honor Award recipient, the Association’s highest recognition. He was selected on the basis of his unwavering dedication to the profession. 1998 NIRSA President Juliette Moore notably said of Will, “One mustn’t forget the contributions Will Holsberry has made to our association. He has inspired all of the leaders in this association and provided them with guidance and support. For this and his many contributions, we are forever grateful.”
In the mid-1980s, the NIRSA Executive Committee established a task force to begin an evaluation of organizational needs. The task force studied the Association’s financial progress over the years and concluded that there was a need to operate a national office. The task force went back to the Executive Committee with the recommendation that Will be offered a full-time job as the Executive Director of the organization and that they establish a recognized full-time national office. The Executive Committee subsequently appointed Will as Executive Director—a position he held until his retirement in 1997—and established the NIRSA National Office, which was then located on the campus of Oregon State University. The national office and its full-time staff made it possible to centralize all the organization’s business and pursue intentional growth.

In 1986, Tom Jones, Director Emeritus at Central Michigan University, was serving as editor of the Recreational Sports Journal and wrote in an RSJ “From the Editors” note, “There is surely no other person better prepared, more experienced, and more capable of leading NIRSA as a full-time executive than the man who served the Association so well for so many years on a part-time basis. Our growth has been steady, our development has only just begun! With Will Holsberry heading up a full-time national office as a full-time executive officer, the future of NIRSA is indeed bright.”
Over the years, in his capacity as Executive Secretary and as the Executive Director, Will worked closely with no fewer than 25 different Association Presidents and Executive Committees. He served terms on nearly every NIRSA committee. In a message to membership, Will said, “As I look back, I cannot envision how my career in recreational sports could have been more enjoyable or meaningful. I had the opportunity to help build two great programs—Texas Tech University and Oregon State University—and to combine that with the leadership position in NIRSA. Being a part of an organization that helps others find a better life through sport and fitness is one of the most exciting ways I can think of to spend one’s professional years.”
Will was also active in several other professional organizations including the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, the National Recreation and Park Association, and Phi Epsilon Kappa. His community involvement included serving as president of the Crescent Valley High School Booster Club, chairing fund drives for United Way and the OSU Cultural Center and as an active Christian he participated on the Administrative Board and Rebuilding Committee for the First United Methodist Church in Corvallis, OR.

Remembering a giant in the field
Below are just a few of the many memories that have been shared with NIRSA in the wake of Will’s passing:
“Will was a teacher, mentor, friend, and giant in our field,” says Kathleen Hatch, Morrison Family, Associate Vice President Student Well-being at Kansas State University, Past President of NIRSA, and Honor Award recipient. Kathleen first met Will in 1985 while she was a graduate student at Oregon State University. “He was thoughtful, innovative, action oriented, and results driven…and loved the impact of members everywhere. Will was a giant in his inclusive approach long before it was a named value in our field,” she adds.
“I remember his strong insight and wonderful sense of humor,” says Dr. R.J. Ben McGuire, retired from Louisiana State University. Ben served as NIRSA President in 1974 and was an officer of the NIA when Will came onboard as Executive Secretary. Ben adds, “His incredible talents became the special additive that kept the NIRSA Association on track and moving forward as it went from a small NIA to the strong NIRSA it is today.” So many praised Will’s steadfast commitment to his colleagues and Ben sums that up perfectly when he says, “Will was a rock; strong and steady and always ready.”
“His warmth of friendship and respect for others constantly enriched our association. His light will always be there to enrich our souls as we go forward,” says Ben. And, lest we forget, “his wife Bobbie was an awesome first lady!”

Dr. Don Bailey, retired from the University of North Texas, Past President of NIRSA and Honor Award recipient, also paid tribute to Will’s dedication as a family man. Don first met Will more than 60 years ago, at the 1964 NIA Conference in Denver and the two shared a friendship that continued long after both men retired. “Will lived by the Golden Rule and shared his considerable gifts generously with the NIRSA community and with many other educational and professional organizations. Much of the growth and development of intramural and recreational sports in colleges and universities can be attributed to the work of members of the NIRSA. Will was the 24-7 leader of NIRSA for many years,” Don says.
“Will was completely dedicated to NIRSA and to its long-term success as an association of advocacy, professionalism, and ever-evolving member service. He worked tirelessly, even at times to the detriment of his own physical health, to ensure the success of the association’s values and strategic direction,” remembers Dr. Janet Gong, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, University of California-Davis, Past President of NIRSA and Honor Award recipient. Janet worked with Will when she served NIRSA as Region VI Vice President and then later during her term on the NIRSA Board and as NIRSA President. She emphasizes his huge influence, saying: “Will nearly single-handedly oversaw the unprecedented growth of the association, provided the basis for its long-term financial welfare, envisioned and enabled the creation of both the NIRSA Foundation and the NIRSA National Center, and supported the varied initiatives of countless NIRSA Boards and Presidents. Perhaps most importantly, Will mentored hundreds of professional and student members, always encouraging their own leadership development. He will be remembered and missed as a mentor and a lifelong friend.”

His influence as a mentor is echoed in Gene Lamke’s words: “Will was an exceptional leader and mentor to young professionals coming into the campus recreation and recreational sports profession. He taught so many of us ‘the ropes’ of being great professionals and guided us into being leaders in the association.” Gene, Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University, Past President of NIRSA, and Honor Award recipient, had a chance to work closely with Will as a host of NIRSA’s 1976 Conference and later during his presidential term on the NIRSA Board of Directors.
“Will was simply a great human being who exhibited kindness, a positive attitude, and great leadership characteristics daily as the NIA’s and NIRSA’s Executive Secretary and first Executive Director,” adds Gene. “I believe that one of his greatest accomplishments was the integration of women into positions of leadership in NIRSA, individuals such as Jan Wells, Patti Holmes, Mary Daniels, Judy Bryant, Janet Gong, Juliette Moore, Sue Ivie [Boling], Patti Bostic, and so many others.”
“Will was kind and a patient man,” says Bryan Harris, Past President of NIRSA. “He gave his time and his attention to so many of us and always wanted to move the needle forward for NIRSA,” adds Bryan.

“Will was a staunch NIRSA supporter and valued member of the association. He guided the association at a time of great growth and change,” remembers Loretta Capra, retired from Colorado State University and longtime NIRSA leader who received the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award in 2018. Loretta counted Will as a mentor, colleague, and friend who “embodied the spirit of servant leadership” and did so with class. “There were times when he was supportive of an initiative or suggestion and other times when he pointed out why some notion wasn’t such a good idea,” remembers Loretta. “But he always did it with a kind and gentle nature. He was a true-blue NIRSA colleague and friend who will be missed by those of us who knew him. There is a hole in all of our hearts as we mourn his passing but a bright ray of sunshine for all he did for NIRSA and so many of us personally!”
Will’s contributions to the campus recreation field and the Association are deeply appreciated. His leadership saw NIRSA evolve from a fledgling association into a significant national organization. The Association would not be what it is today without Will’s abiding dedication to making it the best it can possibly be.
Memorial services
Funeral services will not be held for Will, in keeping with his wishes. If you would like to share condolences with the family, notes or cards can be sent to: The Holsberry Family, c/o 30460 NE Bell Road, Newberg, OR 97132.

NIRSA members who would like to honor Will’s life and legacy in campus recreation are invited to make a contribution to the NIRSA Foundation’s Will Holsberry Endowment, developed more than 25 years ago to honor Will’s legacy by providing NIRSA event registration scholarships for NIRSA professional members.
- If you would like to share historically significant milestones or legacy details with NIRSA, contact a member of the NIRSA History and Legacy Committee.

Pam Watts
Pam Watts is currently the Executive Director at NIRSA.