We encourage all NIRSA members who have ever thought about joining a NIRSA committee to “Go for it!” and submit an application to serve today! These fun and impactful volunteer opportunities can be key to fueling your own personal leadership growth. Serving on a NIRSA committee isn’t just for campus recreation superstars or long-time NIRSA members; it’s for anyone who’s eager to make a real impact, learn new things, and, yes, have a little fun along the way! Jumping into the world of NIRSA committees might very well be one of the best things you do this year!

1. Connect with people who “get you”

Joining a NIRSA committee means surrounding yourself with individuals who know exactly what it’s like to work in the field of campus recreation. Your fellow committee members will understand the day-to-day highs, lows, and “everything in between” of working in this field. Whether you’re chatting about the latest trends or bonding over the weird quirks of campus rec, committee friends are like instant besties.

2. Step out of your comfort zone without getting scared off

Let’s be real: Growth typically happens when we’ve made the effort to step outside of our comfort zones. However, this doesn’t mean that growth has to be terrifying! Serving on a committee can give you a great way to challenge yourself even as you remain in a friendly and supportive environment. You can test out new skills—from leadership to project management—all while working with a group that’s cheering you on.

If—for example—public speaking makes your palms sweat, facilitating a committee meeting could be a first (and less intimidating!) step in support of your own personal leadership growth. Or, if you’re curious about event planning, consider joining the NIRSA Campus Rec Expo Committee or the NIRSA Conference Program Committee! Serving on a NIRSA committee is a fantastic way to hone your leadership skills!

3. You’re not just building skills—you’re building your brand

Being part of a committee is also fantastic for bolstering your professional brand. When you volunteer on a committee, other NIRSA members definitely notice. They see your passion, your brilliant ideas, and your willingness to contribute to the Association and field. Nothing says “leader” like showing up and putting in the work! The more involved you are in NIRSA, the more people will recognize you as a valuable contact in the field. Volunteering on a committee can open doors to promotions and exciting new projects while simultaneously expanding your professional network.

4. You’re helping shape the future

NIRSA committees are where the magic happens. Whether it’s cooking up new ideas or taking a thorough look at current policies, you’ll get to influence the direction of the Association and make a mark on the field of campus recreation. Volunteering on a NIRSA committee is a chance to help lead the Association into an even brighter tomorrow. Feeling certain that your efforts are really making a difference feels absolutely amazing!

Ready to apply?

Submit an application to serve on a NIRSA committee or work team today! Visit the NIRSA website to take a look at the various opportunities to serve—there’s sure to be at least one NIRSA committee or work team that matches up with your interests. Don’t worry if you don’t know every little detail about what serving entails or if you don’t have a ton of experience with serving in this kind of volunteer role. Just be ready to bring your enthusiasm and ideas to the table!

The NIRSA committees and work teams application period is now open. It will close on Friday, January 31. You have the opportunity to indicate interest in up to three committees and work teams; the application will ask that you rank your chosen committees and/or work teams as “first,” “second,” and “third.”

For the very first time, there is no separate application or timeline to apply to serve on a NIRSA awards committee. That’s right, you no longer have to wait until May to indicate your interest in serving on this particular brand of NIRSA committees!

Learn more about these exciting opportunities at the ”Volunteering with NIRSA Information Session” which will take place on Thursday, December 12 at 1:00pm Eastern/10:00am Pacific. Register for it today!

Jump in and make it count!

You will not regret the time and energy you put into serving on a NIRSA committee or work team. Not only will you help shape the future of the Association and profession, but you’re sure to grow in various incredible and surprising ways. So why wait? Take the leap, make some new friends, and help make a difference in the field you love!

And to all those NIRSA committee and work team veterans out there: Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you! Your efforts are very much appreciated, and we look forward to seeing how your volunteer service continues to make an amazing impact. If you’ve never served as the chair of a committee or work team before, maybe this is the year to consider taking that next step to promote your own growth as a leader in campus recreation.

Additional opportunities

You can find even more ways to volunteer with NIRSA on the Get Involved page of the NIRSA website! Most leadership position applications are currently open and will close on Friday, January 31.

Rachel Marcella
NIRSA Membership & Leadership Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Rachel Marcella is currently the Membership & Leadership Coordinator at NIRSA.