NIRSA is looking for passionate instructors who love leading and demonstrating innovative trends in fitness and recovery to submit proposals for the Fitness Forum at the 2024 NIRSA Campus Rec & Wellness Expo. The deadline to submit a proposal is Monday, November 6.
This is an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate innovative fitness formats, highlight trending classes from your campus, and share ideas with colleges and universities from across North America.
Why submit a Fitness Forum proposal?
Presenters from the NIRSA 2023 Fitness Forum share some of their reasons for leading group classes at the last Annual Conference:
- Network with fitness professionals: “Presenting in Pittsburgh was a great experience,” MaryKate Welsh, Assistant Director – Fitness & Wellness Programs at DePaul University, says. “It was my first time attending NIRSA as professional staff and allowed me to connect with other schools and network through fitness.”
- Showcase popular, innovative classes from your campus: “I was able to share a new group exercise format that has been very popular at my university and talk about what has worked and not worked for us,” Kristen Fisher, Fitness Coordinator at California State University-Chico, explains. “It was a great way to collaborate on new fitness ideas with professionals from all over the country.”
- Support attendees’ health and wellbeing through movement: “I especially loved teaching a mobility format because we spend so much of our time at conferences sitting down for an extended amount of time,” MaryKate shares. “It was an honor to be able to help others add some light, beneficial movement to their day.”
- Be a teacher and a leader: “Everything I know, I learned from someone else,” Dan Duran, Head of Academic & Industry Partnerships at International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), says. “There’s no better feeling than being a vessel for education. You can’t help save the world through fitness if you keep it all in your head!”
What types of classes are featured?
Fitness Forum classes range from heart-pounding to mind-calming, technical to introductory: An exciting variety of HIIT, kickboxing, dance, running drills, martial arts, yoga, and mobility keeps this activity fresh and attractive to Annual Conference attendees year after year. Have lots of ideas but not sure which format to submit? Submit more than one proposal!
“Submit early and submit multiple options,” MaryKate advises. “Don’t let any imposter syndrome prevent you from showcasing your class.”
Help keep the NIRSA family active by submitting a proposal today!
- For more information, please contact NIRSA Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations Kelley Hungerford.

Kelley Hungerford
Kelley Hungerford is currently the Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at NIRSA.