Last month, Valerie McCutchan—one of NIRSA’s longest ever tenured staff members—clicked off her walkie-talkie for the last time after nearly 24 years of employment.

Val started her tenure at the NIRSA National Center—as it was called in those days—on September 22, 1999. She’d been working as an exercise physiologist for 16 years after graduating with a degree in exercise science/physiology from the University of Illinois. In 1998, she was the series administrator for the United States Triathlon Series and has actually completed an Ironman triathlon (a 2.4-mile swim plus a 112-mile bike ride followed by a 26.2-mile run). Over her time with NIRSA, Val helped to transform more than two decades of regional and national championship tournament experiences for thousands upon thousands of college and university participants, volunteers, officials, and staff.
All that experience (and resolve) paid dividends for the Association, its members, and the students and communities they serve. During her tenure, Val has been integral in growing NIRSA-organized sports tournaments from what they were—as organized by the volunteer sport club championships and the extramurals committees—to what has become the prestigious NIRSA Championship Series and its lineup of regional and national championship tournaments in four sports: soccer, flag football, basketball, and tennis. She’s been a leading figure at every seminal milestone in the NIRSA Championship Series’ history including its founding during a 2006 Summit and its re-build in 2018 when its significant updates saw it dubbed The Series 2.0.

Along the way, important partnerships have been cultivated under her leadership, including but not limited to the United States Tennis Association, Special Olympics North America and the Play Unified initiative, AORE, Powerade, NFL Flag, and DUPR to name just a few. Val also spent a number of years working with NIRSA learning institutes and symposia—including the NIRSA Outdoor Symposium, the NIRSA Fitness Symposium, the NIRSA Aquatics Institute, and the NIRSA Sport Club Institute—supporting them in a variety of capacities.
Words like legacy and impact can only approximate the influence that Val has brought to bear on the Association over the past two decades. Thousands upon thousands of students have made lasting memories while participating in NIRSA tournaments; hundreds of volunteers and officials have grown their skills and made lifelong connections working at NIRSA tournaments; scores of schools and communities have felt the buzz that goes hand in hand with hosting NIRSA tournaments.
It hasn’t always been easy, and things hardly ever turn out exactly as planned—especially when it comes to organizing sports tournaments on such a large scale. Extreme weather, injury, attempted skullduggery, conflict, and disappointment are all wrapped-up as challenges that are inherent in the tournament director job description. But anyone who has ever worked tournament operations with Val before will probably tell you at least these same three things about her: She is prepared, she is resolute, and she builds great teams.

NIRSA members celebrated and honored Val’s contributions at the 2023 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo by conferring on her the Sarah Fain Distinguished Service Award (a rare point of distinction for a member of NIRSA Staff). Those who know Val know that she is about relationships and making connections. Her actions demonstrate her commitment (and acumen) to making those around her better. “I want you to shine, to serve, to lead,” she said in accepting her award.

Pages of well-wishes flooded in when Val announced her plan to retire to NIRSA Championship Series volunteers. Below is just a small sample of the scores of voices who congratulated Val on her move into retirement:
“What can be said about a person with a heart the size of a New York high-rise? I am not okay with this, but I suppose we all have to consider when the right time is to ride off into the sunset. You will not soon be forgotten, friend, and I for one will honor your investment in me and this industry in as many ways as I possibly can. You have been such an influencer for our association, and you’ve earned every good thing anyone would say about you!” – Sheldon Tate, Associate Director at the University of Missouri-Columbia
“You are a true champion of inclusion, and your leadership, vision, determination, and trust have allowed campuses across the country and NIRSA Championship Series tournaments to become a place that is welcoming to people of all abilities!” – Scott George, Manager, Unified Champion Schools: University Engagement for Special Olympics
“There is no doubt that you leave a lasting impact on the organization and, more importantly, on the lives of many students and professionals who had the privilege of working closely with you. It is hard to express in words how important and influential you have been for so many, me included, and I am deeply grateful.” – Jeff Feldhaus, Special Assistant to the President & Board Liaison at Creighton University
“Your leadership, your drive, your patience all made these events the huge successes that they were…and your fun, friendly, and caring nature made thousands of us elated to be a part of them and treasure those weekends for the rest of our lives! No one can say all the amazing things that you have done over the years because it exceeds comprehension. You are everything that is wonderful about NIRSA and campus recreation.” – Kristopher Kuchler, Facility Manager, Canyon Activity Center at Grand Canyon University
“You enhance the collegiate experience for thousands of young adults. These participants went back to their college campuses and shared their experiences with their friends and family. Your organization skills and eye for details allowed The Series events to go off with tremendous success. Your passion for what you did impacted and rubbed off on so many volunteers.” – Doug Ewing, Director at Fort Lewis College
“I cannot thank you enough for all the guidance, support, and opportunities you have presented me throughout my career. You are such a loving and talented person, and a strong and powerful female leader to boot! You have touched so many lives and I hope you know the huge impact you’ve had not only on me, but also on countless others. You have spearheaded the NIRSA Championship Series and made it what it is today—what an amazing accomplishment! The world of campus recreation and athletics is better because of you.” – Amanda Deml Recreation Division Manager for the City of Redmond Parks & Recreation
“The amount you gave to the staff, students, and leadership involved with The Series can never be measured, but the impact you had was the ingredient that allowed the tournaments to be so successful over the years.” – John Washo, Associate Director for CENTERS, LLC At DePaul University
“You created such a positive environment where so many of us were able to make connections and create friendships for a lifetime.” – Jenna Nales, Associate Director, Facilities & Operations at University of Florida
“I hope it’s clear to see the impact you’ve had on everyone involved. From the way you made decisions to the way you challenged TEAL, my experience with the Champ Series was made better because you were there. You trusted us to take care of business but were there for a perspective if we ever asked. It was easy to see that you loved your job—especially when it came to kicks from the mark and even a flash mob! Your legacy will live on and no matter how far you are, you’ll always be around the Champ Series in spirit.” – Kristen Sullivan, Assistant Director, Intramural & Club Sports at Drexel University
“Val, you’re up there in my life role models from any/all parts of my life. Since the first day I met you, you’ve always been welcoming, warm, and full of joy. Even when the work’s been tough, I had complete faith in our ability to get the job done with a smile. I cherish my decade in the Champ Series and hold it closely to my life’s accomplishments thus far. It was an honor and privilege to serve alongside you in several capacities.” – Chad Zimmerman, Senior Assistant Director for Sport Clubs at the University of Texas at Austin
“I cannot tell you how much I believe that due to your commitment, leadership, and longevity, the NIRSA Championships were better positioned to weather the challenges, growth, and changes they experienced. I will forever be indebted to you for your support and friendship through the many championship experiences we shared.” – Gene Sherry, Executive Director at Georgia Southern University
“She has been an amazing support for me throughout my career—whether it’s asking for advice, organizing an event, or getting a heads-up call about a discipline issue. One of her greatest strengths is developing relationships and lightning things up when pressure gets great.” – Corey Sinclair, Recreation Athletics Specialist 3 at Yakima Valley School
“Some of my best memories within NIRSA come from working basketball and soccer tournaments. I’ve also appreciated your mentorship to women in NIRSA. Again, thank you for everything you’ve done for so many.” – Mandy Madden Miller, formerly Program Director, Student Health & Wellness Initiatives at the University of Notre Dame
“The experiences you have helped create for participants, officials, and volunteers are lifelong memories that we all will share for years to come long after we’ve stepped aside for the next generation.” – Mike Chadee, Manager of Campus Activities at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
“Val your capacity for empathy, a ‘Get it done’ attitude, and the joy you bring into this world is unmatched. You have changed so many lives it’s unimaginable. Already miss you at National soccer next year.” – Amber Mateer, Associate Director of Student Life Operations at Plymouth State University
“When I think NIRSA Champ Series, I think Val. You have helped transform NIRSA and countless professionals in and out of the field.” – Keegan Ashbee, Assistant Director Competitive Sports at Auburn University
“I love you and appreciate you being a vessel for opportunity to grow in the Champ Series. Your gentle spirit coupled with your pioneer work ethic has made you legendary. We appreciate you, honor you, and adore you. Thank you for cultivating a space for not just those that look like me, but for women and every person who has benefited from the NIRSA Championship Series family.” – Kevin Martin, Director of Rec Sports at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

“Valerie’s impact on NIRSA cannot be overstated,” says NIRSA Executive Director Pam Watts, CAE. “I had the good fortune to spend my hour-long commute from Eugene, OR to NIRSA Headquarters in Corvallis, OR with Val for over a decade. We talked about work, current events, politics, travel, and life. We were confidants and a sounding board for each other over the years. I value and admire her integrity, her unwavering commitment to her values, and her perspective on life. NIRSA is far richer due to Valerie’s many contributions, and her legacy will continue to leave ripples far into the future.” Valerie embodies the phrase more than just a game, and her body of work is a testament to that higher calling.
Looking forward
Val says she’s excited to be leaving The Series in good hands with Nicole Jackson at the helm: “She has been a sponge since day one, learning, creating new processes, and working tirelessly with members to improve The Series.” Nicole will continue to advance The Series while keeping the high-quality standards that players, volunteers, and officials have come to expect from NIRSA.

As for “Queen V,” she’s looking forward to traveling to new places and visiting friends and family (she has standing offers to visit from NIRSA members all around the country). Hiking and wine tasting will likely be in the cards. And, unsurprisingly, she plans to volunteer at track and field events at Hayward Field and with other non-profit organizations in Eugene, Oregon.
While Val’s last day as a member of the NIRSA Staff team was July 5, she will continue a relationship with NIRSA in a consulting role for the foreseeable future as she remains involved with NIRSA’s recent partnership with Dynamic Pickleball Universal Rating (DUPR).

If you would like to wish her well in her retirement, her email address will remain active through 2023.
- If you are interested in highlighting your campus or a NIRSA member’s achievements on your campus, pitch us your ideas.