NIRSA institutional and individual memberships will increase by 3% on July 1. This increase is based on NIRSA Bylaws stating that the Board of Directors determines annual dues for institutional, professional, professional life, and student membership categories.

We recognize that fuel, food, and utility costs are going up and that college and university campuses are certainly feeling the squeeze. As we delve into the next NIRSA Strategic Plan and strategic priorities, we invite members to see how the Association continues to bring value to your membership and how we’ll continue to highlight the value that campus recreation brings to our communities of higher learning.

Students will pay an additional $2 for a year’s membership; professionals will see a four-to five-dollar increase. Colleges and universities—depending on size and makeup for their campus—will pay between $10 and $57 more for their annual membership after July 1.

Stretch your professional development dollars!

Institutions trying to maximize unused end-of-year funds can also save 5%–10% on institutional, professional, and student membership dues by taking advantage of multi-year renewal discounts. Renewing for more than one year will help you stretch your dollars.

Even if your membership expires after the increase takes effect, you can still take advantage of current rates by renewing any time before July 1! Whenever you pay for an additional year (or two, or three), your expiration date will be adjusted based on your current expiration date.

You can either renew online or print the renewal form for your individual or institutional membership and mail it in with your preferred form of payment. If you wish to pay with a credit card number over the phone, leave us a message at (541) 766-8211 and we will be in touch.

Sarah Leskovec
Member Relations Manager at  | NIRSA Profile

Sarah Leskovec is currently the Director of Membership & Leadership at NIRSA.