Check out the most recent “Nine minutes with NIRSA” call between NIRSA President Mila Padgett, Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness at the University of South Carolina Aiken and Dr. Wendy Windsor, Director, Campus Recreation at Tulane University and President Designee of NIRSA. Wendy will begin her term as NIRSA President on May 1 and she and Mila come together to discuss the presidential track of service in NIRSA leadership and how the Association continues to make progress on its strategic priorities.
Learn more about Dr. Wendy Windsor
In addition to their conversation about serving the Association, Mila asks Wendy a few rapid-fire questions. Get to know these two association leaders a little better through the questions and responses.
Follow the NIRSA President on Instagram
Follow the NIRSA President on Instagram at @NIRSAPresident to keep up with Mila (and soon Wendy) and what’s happening in NIRSA’s membership.

- For more information, contact NIRSA President Mila Padgett.