As esports and gaming programs undergo development and expansion within the campus recreation scene, spaces to exchange ideas with esports leaders and professionals play a critical role in ensuring successful esports programs. In recent years, we’ve seen the development of higher education standards for on-campus esports as well as competitive play opportunities hosted by the NIRSA Championship Series.
Following this trend, we’re excited to announce the 2023 Collegiate Esports Virtual Institute! This fully online event, which will take place July 26–27, will bring experts in the field in dialogue with folks who are just starting their esports journey. No prior experience is required to attend, and the institute is the ideal venue for campus recreation professionals or students who are curious about pathways into esports. Special and invited content joins an open call for proposals to reflect the full range and diversity of initiatives happening in 2023 and beyond.
Submit a presentation proposal today
This year’s program committee seeks standard presentation, panel, and roundtable submissions as well as micro-sessions (short-form, prerecorded content that asks only ten minutes of your time). If you have the process for setting up a new gaming community on Discord down to a science, a micro-session might be the perfect avenue to share your knowledge! Since the Institute’s learner profiles will range from the “101” level up to specialized applications of esports concepts, there will be an opportunity for presenters of all expertise levels to showcase their work.
Membership and institutional benefits for registration
NIRSA members save $100-$150 on individual registrations while institutional bundles are available for colleges and universities that wish to bring multiple attendees. Bundles offer a discounted flat rate that allows institutions to register up to five individuals under a single registration fee. The 2023 Collegiate Esports Virtual Institute has a limited capacity, so register soon to make sure you don’t miss out!
Earning Continuing Education (CE) credits
Select educational sessions at the Institute will offer Continuing Education credit towards the new Student Affairs Educator Certification. Beyond participating in the two-day event program itself, this certification reflects an ongoing portfolio of learning and professionalization.
Lee Sherlock
Lee Sherlock is currently the Digital Learning Manager at NIRSA.