Have you packed your bags yet? Are you prepared for Pittsburgh? I know who is: The NIRSA Student Leadership Team! The SLT is ready to roll—we’re excited to see everyone in Pittsburgh! I checked in with each of our regional student leaders to see what about NIRSA 2023 they are most excited for!
Region I: Nyindu Kabangu Jr.
Nyindu is most looking forward to seeing many NIRSA friends and meeting many new friends as well. A NIRSA Annual Conference is a great place to network, socialize, and interact with folks from around North America. That’s what Nyindu likes most about going to conferences, and he’s particularly excited for this opportunity as a NIRSA student leader! Nyindu’s one tip for attending the conference in Pittsburgh is to make the most of your time by attending many educational sessions and socials! These sessions, meetings, and connections can be really life changing experiences. Make sure to connect with Nyindu about the various panel discussions happening in the NZone as he and his fellow members of the SLT have been working hard to put that together!
Region II: Alexis Shura
Alexis is most excited about getting to meet the SLT in person again; it’s been a long time since the SLT has been able to meet in person and she’s looking forward to meeting everyone from the team. Alexis is also looking forward to the J. Michael Dunn Student Professional Development Workshop—a NIRSA 2023 preconference opportunity—as she’s been diligently working on that work team and planning committee. Alexis has also been working on the SLT’s social media team and developing the Student Scavenger Hunt that will occur throughout the conference. Alexis’ favorite part about conferences is being able to network and connect with people outside of her region and around NIRSA. Her one tip for attending this conference is to make sure you take some time for yourself because your social battery can run out quick and you need to make time to recharge.
Region III: Cameron Johnson
Cameron is most looking forward to meeting all of the SLT members and Member Network members in person! Thus far he has only been able to meet them through a screen and so he’s looking forward to connecting in person. He’s also looking forward to the networking opportunities he will have with other students and professionals. His favorite part about conference is meeting new people and learning new things—he enjoys bringing that knowledge back to his campus. Cameron’s tip for someone attending this conference is to not be afraid to come out of your shell. Be open and engaging because you never know what doors might open up through your network! Also, make sure to connect with Cameron about NZone panel discussions because he’s been working diligently to make those happen!
Region IV: Brittany Close
Brittany Close is most looking forward to connecting with fellow students and professionals across NIRSA at the conference in Pittsburgh! Her favorite part about attending conferences, particularly the Annual Conference, is the opportunity to learn new and different perspectives from many people. She also enjoys gathering new ideas from outside her program, region, and area of expertise so she can bring them back to her campus and take them with her into the future. Brittany’s tip for the conference is to ensure you branch out during sessions and make connections because you never know who you will meet and what you will learn. Make sure to engage with others from other schools or different program areas from yours because there’s so much to learn when you do! Make sure to come learn from Brittany as she is host to the “New Attendee Session” for students happening prior to the Opening General Session! Also, connect with her about the Student Scavenger Hunt happening throughout the conference.
Region V: Chance Wiarda
Chance Wiarda is very much looking forward to helping out at the conference with the SLT and the Member Network any way he can in order to make sure the conference is entertaining and productive for attendees. His favorite part about the conference is being able to connect with old friends and colleagues he has met from across the country. He’s also very excited to make some new connections and chat with people from around the Association. Chance’s tip for those attending the conference is to make sure to take some time to reflect on your takeaways from the conference and how they could benefit you or your coworkers who could not attend the conference. Chance suggests writing a brief paragraph about what your takeaways are after events or sessions so you have something you can refer to in the future. If you’re interested in partaking in the Breakfast and Connections opportunity, make sure to connect with Chance as he is part of the team diligently working to make that happen!
Region VI: Rafael Martinez
Rafael is most excited about connecting in person with the SLT and having the opportunity to engage with students from around NIRSA. Rafael’s favorite part of attending the conference is being able to listen to all of the great educational sessions offered and checking out all of the exhibitors at the Expo. Rafael’s tip for attending the conference is to make sure to plan your schedule—including the sessions you want to attend, and even back-up sessions—because some can get very full, quick! Make sure to connect with Rafael about the Breakfast and Connections opportunity because he too has been working diligently on that project!
Canadian Region: Lauryn Rogers
Lauryn is most excited about connecting with the many NIRSA members—including the SLT and Member Network—she met over the summer as well as meeting many new people at the conference. Lauryn is most excited about attending her FIRST NIRSA Annual Conference! WOO! She’s excited to learn more about recreation and leadership as she will be joining the field upon completing her undergraduate degree come April! Since this is her first ever NIRSA Annual Conference, she has no tips to provide, but is excited to try the tips the other SLT members have shared!
NIRSA Student Leader: Chelsea Jones
I’m very excited to be attending my FOURTH NIRSA Annual Conference, which is very exciting! I’m most excited about meeting all of the SLT in person! This summer, due to a serious travel delay and many canceled flights, I was unable to attend the summer planning meetings and so I’m very excited to get to meet many of my colleagues and friends in person. I’m also looking forward to learning from the fabulous presentations and getting my yearly dose of being fired up to try new things! That is one of my favorite parts about the conference: The renewed energy it brings me. My tip for attendees going to this conference is to put yourself out there and try to network with as many people as you can and learn from them! You never know what might inspire you next!
Make sure to drop by the NZone at the 2023 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo to meet the members of the NIRSA Student Leadership Team! See you in Pittsburgh!

Chelsea Jones
Chelsea Jones, NIRSA Student Leader, is currently the Sport Clubs Graduate Assistant at Texas A&M University, College Station.