“NIRSA educational sessions are great, but it is a lot of sitting,” says Anna Taggart Minahan, Fitness Director at Texas A&M University. “It’s nice to have a break to move while also participating in something new and meeting new people from campus recreation and wellness.”

If you’re like Anna and want to encourage NIRSA Annual Conference attendees to stay active throughout NIRSA 2023, now’s your chance: The call for Fitness Forum proposals is live, and submissions are being accepted through Thursday, December 1.

Anna led NIRSA 2022 attendees through a class she created called EmPOWER Hour, which combines kickboxing and self-defense. She “absolutely LOVED presenting at the Fitness Expo this year.”

Like Anna, Aimee Nicotera of Aimee Nicotera Fitness introduced the NIRSA family to a new fitness format, E5 Collective, in Portland this past March. The innovative program combines endurance, HIIT, and brain training to make participants physically and mentally stronger. “Being it was my first NIRSA, I wasn’t sure what to expect,” she says.

“I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiastic group who made their way to the 6:30am workout to experience something new,” Aimee reflects. “The diverse group of fitness professionals and campus recreation leaders were grateful and excited to learn and sweat, which made my presentation extremely enjoyable.”

Advice to Fitness Forum presenters

While NIRSA 2022 was Aimee’s first experience at a NIRSA Annual Conference, it was Anna’s second time instructing at the conference: She also presented at NIRSA 2015 when she was a student, and she has some advice for those considering leading a Fitness Forum class:

“It’s important to be prepared to lead the experience in an open setting where many people may be watching and not participating since it’s often in the middle or side of the expo hall,” Anna noted about the Fitness Forum location. But she says not to let that deter you from submitting. “It will be fun no matter what and people will show up!”

To Aimee, the shared mission of fitness professionals and campus recreation leaders makes the Fitness Forum a natural and rewarding event.

“After seeing the busy and robust trade show floor, it is obvious that campus recreation leaders are looking to create impactful, engaging, and fun experiences that promote all aspects of health for consumers on college campuses around the country,” Aimee says. “One of my goals as a fitness professional is to motivate as many people as possible to get moving through innovative, effective, and fun fitness programming. Having the opportunity to connect with college and campus recreation teams from all over the country was a fantastic way to make an impact and further this mission.”

Submit a proposal by December 1

NIRSA is looking for passionate instructors who love leading and demonstrating innovative trends in fitness and recovery to submit proposals for the Fitness Forum at the NIRSA 2023 Campus Rec & Wellness Expo. Past classes have ranged from HIIT to yoga, meditation to kickboxing, POUND to dance—and much more! This development opportunity allows you to showcase the popular classes you’re seeing on campus and introduce your peers to the latest and greatest in health and wellbeing.

Help keep the NIRSA family active by submitting a proposal today.

  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations Kelley Hungerford.

Kelley Hungerford
NIRSA Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at  | NIRSA Profile

Kelley Hungerford is currently the Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at NIRSA.