In the September 2022 issue of Athletic Business Magazine, writer Michael Popke catches up with four NIRSA members to talk about colleges and universities that are working to make their intramural and club sports offerings more welcoming to an increasingly diverse student body.

Amber Mateer, Associate Director of Campus Recreation at Plymouth State University, Nick Horton, Assistant Director of Facility Operations and Sports Programs at Indiana State University, and Kourtney Graham, Intramural Coordinator at Iowa State University share tips on how to make intramural and club sports programs more inclusive.

Also in this issue

The September 2022 issue also includes results from Athletic Business’s 2022 College Recreation Survey. This is the third annual survey exploring recreation trends, with nearly double the number of responses compared to the 2021 survey.

Additionally, AB Magazine talks about the future of College Recreation post pandemic with longtime Associate Member Matrix Fitness’ National Sales Manager for Collegiate Recreation, Marc Loomer.

Athletic Business is the preferred media partner of NIRSA

Athletic Business has been associate member of NIRSA since 1997. More than 40,000 subscribers turn to the Athletic Business print publication and tens of thousands more turn to the AB website for award-winning editorial content, as well as to view products and services offered by leading companies. Athletic Business is a Preferred Media Partner of the Association.

  • For more information, contact NIRSA Director of Communications, Simon Bravo.