NIRSA owes its success to the leadership of dedicated volunteers—to members who generously donate their time and use their experience in the collegiate recreation profession to support NIRSA members and strategically direct NIRSA’s operations and services. Thanks to these dedicated members, NIRSA continues to offer the best professional development, networking, and resources to the collegiate recreation profession.

NIRSA members vote annually via electronic elections to fill positions on the NIRSA Member Network and the NIRSA Board of Directors. Elections recently closed, and the Association would like to thank the members who voted—just over 33%. From the highly qualified slate of inspiring individuals who stood for office to the dedicated members who took time out of their busy schedules to vote, the strength of our Association depends on your voice—and you’ve made it count.

The Association is pleased to welcome our incoming professional and student leaders to positions on the 2022–2023 NIRSA Board of Directors and Member Network beginning on May 1.

NIRSA Board of Directors

President Elect

Erin Patchett
Colorado State University – Fort Collins

At-Large Director

Dexter Shorter
Penn State University

Member Network Professional Positions

Region II Regional Representative

Brooke Turner
University of Alabama

Region IV Regional Representative

Sheldon Tate
University of Missouri

Region VI Regional Representative

Richelle Williams
Western Washington University

Member Network Student Positions

NIRSA Student Leader

Chelsea Jones
Texas A&M University

Region I Regional Student Leader

Nyindu Kabangu Jr.
Rowan University

Region II Regional Student Leader

Alexis Shura
James Madison University

Region III Regional Student Leader

Cameron Johnson
Cleveland State University

Region IV Regional Student Leader

Brittany Close
Oklahoma State University

Region V Regional Student Leader

Chance Wiarda
South Dakota State University

Region VI Regional Student Leader

Jacob Parker
Seattle University

Canadian Regional Student Leader

Lauryn Rogers
University of Windsor

Please join us in congratulating our elected leaders!

Results of proposed bylaw amendment

A proposed amendment to the NIRSA Bylaws was on the 2022 ballot. Proposed amendments must receive a 2/3 majority of votes to pass.  The amendment passed, with 91% of voters in favor.

  • For more information about NIRSA Elections, please contact NIRSA Member Relations Manager Sarah Leskovec.
Mila Padgett
Mila Padgett
Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness at University of South Carolina Aiken | NIRSA Profile

Mila Padgett is currently the Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness at the University of South Carolina Aiken. She is President Elect on the NIRSA Board of Directors.