Interest in self-care and restorative practices undoubtedly increased over the course of the pandemic. Even before 2020, fitness trends were shifting toward recovery. But when NASM Faculty Instructor Rick Richey, DHSc, opened a comprehensive recovery studio in 2017, he noticed the increased awareness came with a problem: bad recovery practices based on bad science.
“We had a lot of cool concepts come our way, but we turned down a lot of them because they didn’t have quality, peer-reviewed science supporting them,” Rick says. “We wanted to help people feel and function better using some remarkable technologies that started coming into the market, but we needed to separate fact from fiction.”
Rick explores recovery modalities, tools, and applications in the upcoming NASM webinar, “Recovery: What Really Works?,” taking place at 11:00am PT/2:00pm ET on Friday, December 10. NIRSA members interested in fitness and curious about best practices to help with sore, achy muscles and inflammation will especially enjoy this topic. The webinar is free to members and non-members alike.
“I hope rec pros will use this information to help their clients and members feel and function better a bit faster so everyone can be mobile and active more often,” Rick says.
Attendees can bring questions about recovery trends to the event, as Rick hopes “to be able to help provide answers to common questions and growing areas of interest.”
Register for this free webinar today at this link or at NIRSA’s Ideas in Motion page.
- For more information about the Associate Showcase as part of NIRSA’s Ideas in Motion virtual roundtables, please contact NIRSA Expo & Corporate Relations Coordinator Kelley Hungerford.
Kelley Hungerford
Kelley Hungerford is currently the Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at NIRSA.