This week, a great friend of mine shared how his bad day was made better by going for a walk around the facility and listening to the song “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson. The beat was just what he needed to have his own moment and move his body in a way that improved his day even by just a little bit. I was reminded through this story about how valuable it can be to just get up and move our bodies. Doing it to a song we love is just the cherry on top!

There are so many songs that may fit in your September playlist, starting with “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson. Each year we get stressed by the start of the school year and yet each year we manage to survive and come out stronger. The leagues get created, the staff gets scheduled, and the campus is bustling once again. The idea that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger may seem like a cliché, but we really do learn from what happens to us.

Maybe, on the flip side, the next song on your playlist is “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day. Summer came and went and suddenly the school year is here again. Taking on the month ahead may seem like a daunting task when you think of all the things which are still to come. So put on your headphones, plow forward, and I’ll wake you up when the month is over.

Does your playlist have anything new on it? With Drake and Kanye dropping albums within a week of each other, there’s so much new music to feel inspired by. It’s incredible how new songs by beloved artists can help boost our moods. Have you found your favorite song off the albums yet?

Personally, I love the song “Take a Walk” by Passion Pit when I need to take a power walk across campus. The beat of the song and the simple, repetitive chorus go so well together to help me clear my head. Inevitably, I get lost in the song and feel like I’ve made progress in moving on with my day.

As we continue through September, I encourage you to find the song (or the playlist) that helps you clear your head. Once you have, I encourage you to share your songs with us! Whether it’s an angsty anthem to power ahead, a Broadway showstopper to belt out, or a pop song made famous on TikTok, we want to hear the music that helps you put one step in front of the other during this busy month. Share your song (or songs) with us @NIRSAStudents on TwitterInstagram, and TikTok!

Sarah Heemstra
Sarah Heemstra
RPAC Facilities Graduate Assistant at The Ohio State University | NIRSA Profile

Sarah Heemstra, NIRSA Student Leader, is currently the RPAC Facilities Graduate Assistant at The Ohio State University.