How is your campus affected? Please help us help you by taking this brief survey!
The Government Affairs Committee continues to track the bills targeting transgender sport participation as they make their way through the legislative process. It’s been a month since we last updated the list of bills and where they were in the process, and, my oh my, what a month can do to change things! While many state legislatures have ended, or are nearing the end of, their current congressional sessions, these bills are still present.
To help provide a sense of scope, the following lists notes active bills in each state; those specifying intramural and sport club participation are indicated with **.
- Alabama
- HB 391 Delivered to the Governor 4/20/21
- Arkansas**
- Arizona**
- Connecticut:
- Florida**
- Georgia: **
- Hawaii
- HB 1204 Referred to committee 2/1/21
- Idaho
- Passed and Enacted; Overturned on appeal
- Iowa**
- HF 184 Introduced and referred to committee 1/22/21
- Kansas**
- SB 208 Passed as amended in Senate 3/17/21; Introduced and referred to committee in House 3/19/21
- Kentucky**
- SB 106 Died in committee 4/2/21
- HB 471 Died in committee 4/2/21
- Louisiana
- Maine**
- HP 682 Referred to House and Senate committee 3/10/21
- Michigan
- SB 218 Referred to committee 3/10/21
- Minnesota:
- Missouri: **
- Mississippi **
- SB 2536 Passed and signed by Governor 3/11/21
- Montana**
- HB 112 Passed and transmitted to Governor 5/4/21
- New Hampshire**
- HB 198 Committee hearing scheduled 3/9/21
- New Jersey
- S 3540 Introduced and referred to committee 3/11/21
- North Dakota
- HB 1298 Vetoed by Governor; Veto overridden in House 4/22/21; Veto sustained in Senate 4/22/21
- New Mexico**
- HB 304 Referred to committee 2/4/21
- Ohio**
- Oklahoma**
- Pennsylvania
- HB 972 Referred to committee 4/5/21
- South Dakota – ** Passed House/Senate; Vetoed by Governor 3/29/21, executive orders provided for parts of the bill
- South Carolina
- SB 531 Referred to committee 2/9/21
- Tennessee
- Texas: **
- SB 29 Passed in Senate 4/15/21; Considered in public hearing 5/4/21
- SB 373 Read for first time and referred to committee 3/9/21
- HB 1458 Read for first time and referred to committee 3/5/21
- HB 3455 Read for first time and referred to committee 3/22/21
- HB 4042 Left pending in committee 4/20/21
- HB 4043 Read for first time and referred to committee 3/29/21
- Utah
- HB 302 Died in committee 3/5/21
- West Virginia: **
- Wisconsin
While we are tracking the status of these bills on a state level, we’ve also been keeping an eye on this legislation from a federal level, such as US SB S.251.
What does all this mean? Well, that some states are moving quickly, others have stalled, and others have “killed” the bills. However, it’s clear that this is an issue that will be in legislative conversations for some time. It’s important to understand what is happening in your state as this will help you support your students if the laws affect them and will help you manage your programs.
The Government Affairs Committee would like to know if this issue is affecting your programming, your students, or your campus so we can better serve you and provide you with information.
In order to help the membership, we are asking you to please answer a few short questions so we can gauge the amount/type of information to provide. Please take our survey today!
- For more information, please contact a member of NIRSA’s Government Affairs Committee.
Yvette Kell
Yvette Kell is currently the Director of Campus Recreation, CENTERS, LLC at the University of Missouri-St Louis. She is Chair of the Government Affairs Committee.