Located on a 300 acre urban campus in Washington D.C., Howard University has awarded more than 100,000 degrees in professions, arts, sciences and humanities. Howard ranks among the highest producers of the nation’s Black professionals in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, nursing, architecture, religion, law, music, social work, and education.

The university has long held a commitment to the study of disadvantaged persons in American society and throughout the world. The goal is the elimination of inequities related to race, color, social, economic and political circumstances. As the only truly comprehensive predominantly Black university, Howard is one of the major engineers of change in our society. Through its traditional and cutting-edge academic programs, the University seeks to improve the circumstances of all people in the search for peace and justice on earth.

Campus Recreation at Howard lives within the Division of Student Affairs and oversees fitness areas, aquatics, mascot, cheerleading, and student organization programming. On average, three professional staff members and 30 student staff employees work together to deliver outstanding recreational opportunities to over 8,000 students each year.

About Jomah Watson

One of the recreation professionals at Howard University is NIRSA member Jomah Watson, Bison Intramurals Wellness Program Director and current HBCU Committee Co-Chair. Jomah got his start in campus recreation at Delaware State University as an intramural referee and member of the building staff. As the Coordinator at Howard University, he is now responsible for intramurals, group fitness classes, sport clubs, and student organization programming.

When asked what Jomah enjoys most about working at an HBCU, he says, “it’s the campus experience and the positive interest from the students.”

When asked why Jomah volunteers for NIRSA and the HBCU Committee, he adds, “It’s about keeping the showing support within the NIRSA community. I like to help improve all campus recreation programs providing an outstanding experience for all our campuses.”

  • For more information about Wellness and Recreation at Howard University, contact Wellness and Recreation at Howard University, contact Jomah Watson at Howard University by email at jomah.watson@howard.edu. For more information about the NIRSA HBCU Committee, contact any of the members serving on this volunteer leadership group.
  • If you are interested in highlighting your campus or a NIRSA member’s achievements on your campus, pitch us your ideas.
Taylor Dampeer

Taylor Dampeer is currently the Assistant Athletic Director, Wellness & Recreational Services, Department of Athletics & Recreational Services at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania and current HBCU Committee member.