Our NIRSA family has rallied to respond to the challenges of 2020. I am continually grateful to be navigating COVID-19 and addressing racial inequity and natural disasters with you all. You teach me so much and I can’t imagine navigating campus recreation without my NIRSA family and NIRSA membership.
Many of our NIRSA cohort have been laid off or have had their professional development budgets cut due to the economic fallout of COVID-19. The NIRSA Foundation directed $30,000 from the general fund to support professional memberships through these tough times. To date, more than 100 NIRSA members have received membership renewals through this program. We expect the need to continue to grow and want to prepare by increasing gifts to the general fund. Now, more than ever, NIRSA members need continued access to the resources and opportunities that NIRSA provides.
General fund gifts impact NIRSA members by providing timely response to their needs, such as membership waivers and funding for future NIRSA equity, diversity and inclusion programs. These gifts continue to support research that is timely and relevant to the field of campus recreation.
This #GivingTuesday, December 1, I ask that you join me and the NIRSA Foundation Board in making a gift to the general fund. Gifts to the general fund will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $4,420 thanks to the generosity of four individual NIRSA donors AND Hughes Group Architects who returns as match challenge partner with a gift of $2,020. $1200 of this total match will only be matched if we can find ten new donors willing to commit to a monthly $10 gift for one year.
Whatever you can give helps us do what it takes to support the NIRSA family.
For some, your support of the Foundation will make all the difference. I’d like to share this testimonial with you as it really highlights the impact that a membership waiver can make:
“Due to budgetary issues, the college froze its funding for professional memberships and travel. I was not in a position to renew due to finances. I was going to let my membership lapse. Then I received notice that the Foundation had created a fund to help our members during this time of hardship. Being a member for 25+ years, I understand the value of NIRSA and am thankful for this opportunity to stay connected to my profession, colleagues and friends.” –Travis Beetley, PAC Operations Director, Sinclair Community College
Please join us on #GivingTuesday to both celebrate NIRSA members and to prepare for the future.
- For more information, please contact NIRSA Director of Philanthropy Kim Holmes.

Brent Harrison
Brent Harrison is currently the Associate Director for Programs at the University of Oregon. He is a member of the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors.