This past September, nearly 800 campus recreation and student affairs professionals participated in NIRSA’s 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge © for Campus Recreation, supported by Mondo. The concept of the 21-day Challenge was introduced several years ago by diversity expert Eddie Moore, Jr. to create greater understanding of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy, oppression, and equity.

The challenge has been intentionally crafted to focus on the Black American experience, inviting participants to complete daily assignments—usually a mix of readings and videos or podcasts—scoped to take an average of 45-60 minutes. Given the enthusiastic response to the challenge, we’re now thrilled to be able to offer it as an on-demand experience to anyone interested!

After signing up to participate in the 21-Day Challenge, you’ll receive an email each Monday which will feature 1-3 resources (a mix of article, videos, and podcasts) per (work) day, and 3-4 discussion prompts for the week. The week’s resources can be engaged with however best suits your schedule.

While September’s 21-Day Challenge participants were invited to participate in weekly discussions hosted by NIRSA every Friday, on-demand participants are encouraged to host their own conversations or watch the recorded video conversations that took place with the initial cohort.

The 21-Day Challenge is best suited to small groups. We hope you will invite others on your campus or in your network to take this challenge with you for deeper and richer dialogue! We also hope you might use some of the materials from this challenge with your staff and students.

The themes, resources selected, and discussion prompts provided are a start to a large, complex conversation. They are by no means exhaustive or holistic or in any way intended as a masterclass on racism in the United States.

The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge is free for individual members (including any individual at NIRSA member institutions), but you must register to participate. Registration is also available to non-member individuals at non-member schools for $99. Register today!

21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is the registered copyright of America & Moore, LLC. 2014. 

Supported by Mondo

Associate member of NIRSA since 2000 and current Platinum Partner of the Association, Mondo is proud to be a sponsor of the NIRSA 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge for Campus Recreation.


  • For more information, contact NIRSA Director of Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships, Erin O’Sullivan.
Headshot of Erin O'Sullivan
Erin O'Sullivan
Director of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships at  | NIRSA Profile

Erin O'Sullivan is currently the Director of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships at NIRSA.