When you attend the 2020 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo, you know you’ll be gaining all kinds of new ideas and seeing innovative examples that showcase the crucial role your department plays in recruitment, retention, and the overall student experience. Yet we all know that student success depends on more than just you and your campus recreation department—it’s a university-wide initiative.
So why not Bring Your Boss—who may not have a background in campus recreation—to conference? Shared learning may make the prospect of introducing innovations or gaining support for new initiatives easier. And while you’re at it, consider inviting a higher education colleague from counseling or psychological services, residence life, the student health center, student affairs, etc.
Bringing a higher education colleague provides NIRSA members with an opportunity to learn alongside the integral players in the student success space on their own campuses. Your boss or higher ed colleagues, who are otherwise unaffiliated with NIRSA, will be able to accompany you to this year’s Annual Conference by registering at the same professional registration rate that you paid! Just include their name, title, email address, and payment details when you complete your online or pdf registration form. Register today for a fantastic conference experience!
If you’ve already registered for conference and want to extend this offer to a colleague, no problem. You can still get your colleague registered! Just contact NIRSA Billing Coordinator Rachel Hart if you had already registered for conference.
- For more information, please contact NIRSA Senior Director of Operations Mary Callender.

Mary Callender
Mary Callender, CRSS is the Senior Director of Operations at NIRSA.