NIRSA membership votes annually, via electronic elections, to fill positions on the NIRSA Board of Directors and the Member Network as well as on any proposed amendments to NIRSA’s Bylaws. The 2020 NIRSA Elections will launch on January 16 and close on January 29.
The Nominations & Appointments Committee reviewed numerous qualified applications and, with the endorsement of the 2019-2020 NIRSA Board of Directors, presents the following for the 2020 NIRSA Board of Directors elections.
President Elect
Laura Hall, Pennsylvania State University
Mila Padgett, University of South Carolina Aiken
At-Large Director
Nigel Harris, Kennesaw State University
Nicole Olmeda, CRSS, The University of Texas at Austin
Professional members will have the opportunity to vote on candidates applying for President Elect and At-Large Director on the 2020-2021 NIRSA Board of Directors, as will members of the Student Leadership Team.
Additionally, the regional nominations & appointments committees reviewed the various Member Network applications and, with the support of the NIRSA Nominations & Appointments Committee, presents the following slate of candidates for available Member Network positions.
Region II Regional Representative
Jason Darby, University of Southern Mississippi
Andrea Snead, University of Central Florida
Region IV Regional Representative
Andrew Chadick, University of Texas at San Antonio
Matthew Beck, RCRSP, Oklahoma State University
Region VI Regional Representative
Rick Craig, Stanford University
Allie Bogard, RCRSP, Montana State University
NIRSA Student Leader
Tanika Santos, University of Kentucky
Asna Rupani, Illinois State University
Region I Student Leader
Marissa Vittorio, University of New Haven
Maeve McKinney, Rowan University
Region II Student Leader
Katherine Totten, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
Emily Murphy, West Virginia University
Region III Student Leader
Jenna Bothell, Western Illinois University
Karen David, University of Dayton
Region IV Student Leader
Grayson Graham, Emporia State University
Britton Lyon, Oklahoma State University
Region V Student Leader
Jay Mahoney, University of Northern Colorado
Kathrynne Nail, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Region VI Student Leader
Adam McClanahan, Utah State University
Amber Mateer, University of the Pacific
Canadian Student Leader
Ross Clausi, University of Western Ontario
The NIRSA Member Network expands the regional network of the Association and creates opportunities for member involvement and leadership development. Professional members will have the chance to vote on their respective regional representative in Regions II, IV or VI, and student members will vote on the NIRSA Student Leader and their respective regional student leader.
NIRSA members stand for office
As a reminder to all members, candidates for the NIRSA Board of Directors and the Member Network don’t “run for election,” they “stand for office.” All candidates have agreed to serve the Association and it is an honor to have any one of them represent the membership. Therefore, it is not appropriate for members to campaign on behalf of individual candidates.
An electronic voting platform will be in place for the 2020 Elections. Please make sure your member profile is updated with your current email address so you can exercise your opportunity to vote! Only those professional and student members whose NIRSA membership is active as of 8:00am PST on January 15 will be eligible to vote.
- For more information, please contact NIRSA Senior Director of Operations Mary Callender.

Mary Callender
Mary Callender, CRSS is the Senior Director of Operations at NIRSA.