The NIRSA Assembly is excited to begin our new NIRSA Know Article Series! The Assembly is a facilitator of thought and dialogue that has its sights set on the future of collegiate recreation. We Assembly members want to share the topics we’re focusing on this year with the hope that we can engage you in discussions about them. We begin this series of articles by introducing the topics the Board of Directors have approved for discussion during the 2019–2020 term:

  • Gen Z and Beyond
  • Virtual Wellbeing
  • Implications of Current Social Issues

We plan on discussing the implications these topics will have on our Association over the next 5–10 years. In this way, we consider what the future may hold for collegiate recreation and higher education administrators.

The Assembly is planning to communicate with members through presentations at various regional and state workshops. These presentations will lead up to a panel presentation at the 2020 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec Expo taking place in Phoenix, AZ from April 18–21. If you’re attending a professional development event in your area, be on the lookout for an Assembly presentation where you’ll get a firsthand glimpse at what the Assembly does year to year. Each presentation contains an activity to give you a look inside our world. We hope you find these presentations informative and that they make you excited about everything the Assembly has to offer. We encourage everyone to consider applying to be a part of the Assembly in the future!


Parker Anderson
Competitive Sports Coordinator at San Diego State University | NIRSA Profile

Parker Anderson is currently the Competitive Sports Coordinator at San Diego State University. He is a member of the NIRSA Assembly.