Have you ever wondered how your salary ranks nationally? Or maybe you’ve wanted to know how it ranks within your NIRSA region? If so, NIRSA’s on-demand salary benchmarking platform delivers the industry’s only real-time and up-to-date reporting of compensation data for the campus recreation profession. This resource is available to all full-time recreation professionals and does not require NIRSA membership to participate.

Additionally, when you contribute your data to the platform, you will be eligible to receive the next Campus Recreation Salary Report from NIRSA at a deeply discounted rate. If you’re a full-time recreation professional working at an institution of higher education, simply participate in the salary census via NIRSA’s on-demand benchmarking platform and you will receive access to the next Campus Recreation Salary Report at 85-100% off the retail price!

Your participation can get you access to these resources at up to $150 off retail rates; participants at NIRSA member institutions will receive the report for free as a benefit of NIRSA institutional membership. Participate now and reserve your discount for the next campus rec salary report!

Check out the current report

NIRSA’s Campus Recreation Salary Benchmarking Report: 2017 & 2018 provides an easy-to-understand overview of compensation data collected from over 800 full-time, professional recreation positions. This latest report presents results in a new format which is intended to provide greater ease in interpretation and application.

The report, available in the NIRSA Store, is deeply discounted for eligible participants who contributed their data to the previous NIRSA Salary Census. NIRSA members also can access on-demand salary benchmarking and participating members can purchase custom reports.

Other benchmarking opportunities through NIRSA

The NIRSA Institutional Data Set (IDS), with the generous support of the NIRSA Foundation, offers members a user-friendly platform to input and analyze data on collegiate recreation programs, services, and facilities, as well as a myriad of ways to filter and compare across institutions. The Institutional Data Set is currently open for data collection.

  • Benchmarking resources are supported, in part, by donations to the NIRSA Foundation. For more information about the NIRSA Foundation, please contact NIRSA Foundation Coordinator Kameron Carroll. For more information about NIRSA’s benchmarking and assessment operations, please contact NIRSA Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
Ruben Guzman
Research Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Ruben Guzman is currently the Research Coordinator at NIRSA