Wanting to make a difference in collegiate recreation is the first step in inspiring change—acting is the next. NIRSA members’ commitment and leadership within the profession propels the advancement of our Association goals. Whether you’re a student or an experienced professional, there’s a place for you! Serving on a NIRSA committee or work team is a great way to give back, gain fluency in a particular topic, and network with colleagues beyond your campus. Apply to serve by February 25!

Applying is easy

There is one application and it includes a comprehensive list of all committee and work team opportunities for NIRSA, the NIRSA Foundation, and the NIRSA Championship Series. You can select up to three groups you’re interested in being a part of this coming year. Additionally, applicants are asked to state why they’re interested in these groups. This information will provide the selection committee with more knowledge about the applicant’s experience and interests so they can formulate well-rounded committees and work teams. Members currently serving in a one-year position on a committee or work team who wish to continue their service need to reapply to be considered for the upcoming year.

We’re excited to announce that there are two new opportunities for members to select from this coming year. The #RecChat Committee is looking for members to help develop programming on hot topics in the collegiate recreation field and in NIRSA, as well as assist with behind-the-scenes support of the interactive Twitter and webinar sessions hosted monthly. Another great opportunity available this year is the HBCU Committee where members focus on the unique needs of recreation departments at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and host the HBCU Summit at the ERSL Conference. Both of these opportunities can be found on the standard committee and work team application page.

Applications are due by February 25. Please visit our website for full details about the NIRSA committee application process. Due to the leadership year starting May 1, the committee and work team appointments will be made in Spring 2019 and announced after the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo taking place in Boston, Massachusetts from February 16–19.

Short-term opportunities are available too

If you’re interested in volunteering but can’t make a year-long commitment, the NIRSA Championship Series has a number of staff positions available for our regional and national tournaments. Take advantage of this opportunity for professional development while also having fun engaging with teams, coaches, and officials from around your region!

There are numerous opportunities available with the NIRSA regional and national tournaments. These include involvement in recruiting officials, tournament logistics, all-tournament team, social media and communication, and various other committees. Check out the Staff & Officials page of the NIRSA website to learn more about position descriptions and qualifications.

There truly is something for everyone, so please considering submitting an application today!

  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator Lani Beavers.
Leadership Programs Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Lani Sherman was the Leadership Programs Coordinator at NIRSA.