NIRSA is excited to announce that the Recreational Sports Journal, the official publication of the NIRSA Foundation, will be produced by SAGE Publishing starting January 1, 2019! If you’ve been receiving a printed copy of the journal, you will now receive each issue separately every spring and fall when the issues are published to the web. The bound, double-issue volumes will no longer be produced. If you do not receive a printed copy, your access to the journal will continue without interruption—you can access the digital copy via the NIRSA website using the same login information as before. Members should also expect to see changes to the journal’s cover art. Even though the journal will have a new look and feel, it will continue to serve as the profession’s leading source of knowledge and evidence-based practice in the field of campus recreation.


  • For questions regarding the Recreational Sports Journal, please contact NIRSA Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
  • For questions regarding the NIRSA Foundation, please contact NIRSA Foundation Coordinator Kameron Carroll.
Ruben Guzman
Research Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Ruben Guzman is currently the Research Coordinator at NIRSA