The NIRSA Small Programs Advisory Council is excited to announce an exciting educational opportunity that you can access without leaving your desk!
November’s #RecChat, a Google hangout and Twitter conversation, will feature council members Geoff Nelson of Seminole State University and Matt Grimm of Stevenson University discussing how small campus rec programs can use esports as a student recruitment tool. On November 20 at 2:00pm EST, follow the hashtag #RecChat on Twitter for the Google hangout link and to join the conversation. This is a great opportunity to ask Geoff and Matt about their experiences building esports on their campuses.
Additional virtual learning opportunities for NIRSA small campus rec program members are in the works. Stay tuned by following all of the NIRSA news about small programs.

Megan Granholm
Megan Granholm is currently the Membership Services Coordinator at NIRSA. You can reach her by emailing